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Austin, Cassidy, and Alex arrived in London and caught an Uber to their hotel. It was absolutely gorgeous and luckily Austin had Eric set everything up to where they were able to enter through the back of the hotel, and not be seen as much. Alex ran inside and checked the three of them in before coming back outside to hand Austin and Cassidy their key.

"Thanks, Alex!" Cassidy smiled as they got out of the car to get their suitcases.

"No problem guys. Let's get inside and up to our rooms." Alex grabbed their suitcases from the back and Austin and Cassidy each grabbed their own as they all made their way inside and straight to the elevator. Their rooms were only 3 doors down from one another so Alex went to his room and told the couple to let him know when they needed him.

"You ready for see our room for the next few days?" Austin smiled. Cassidy nodded with excitement. He handed her the room key, and she grinned as she slid it into the door. She opened the door and practically felt her jaw hit the floor.

The room was huge and absolutely gorgeous. There were 3 large windows that overlooked London on the opposite end of the room. A king-size bed, and a bathroom with a 2 person shower along with a large jacuzzi tub, that Cassidy was already excited about.

"Babe this is fucking awesome!"

"I had a feeling you'd like it." Austin smiled. "I told you, I wanted you to have a good birthday."

"Yeah, but like this is just insane." She chuckled.

"Just accept it. Cause this is nothing."


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It was nearing dinner time when Cassidy looked at her phone for the first time since they arrived at the hotel room. She and Austin fell asleep, not realizing how tired they were from their flight.

"Babe. Babe wake up." Cassidy nudged Austin's arm as he lay next to her.

"Mmmm." He groaned before turning his head in the other direction.

Cassidy laughed as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Baby we gotta get up and eat something or we'll be up at 3 am!" She watched as Austin peeked out of his left eye.

"I hate that you're right.." he rolled back on his side to face his girlfriend. "Did you look outside yet? I'm sure the view is great now that the sun is going down."

"I did! It's beautiful, but let's go find food..please?" Cassidy was practically begging at this point. Austin chuckled as he finally sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I feel like I'm in another fucking dimension. fuck." This made Cassidy laugh, and watched as Austin moved around the room and was finally dressed and ready to go. They called Alex to make sure he was ready to go and waited for him to come get the couple and take them down to their car.

As much as Cassidy loved Austin, she did wish he could have a normal life. This was her birthday vacation and even though she loved Alex, she wished it could really be just the two of them. She shook the thoughts from her head and gripped Austin's hand as they walked through the lobby, through the already growing group of paparazzi. The couple kept their heads down as Alex lead them through the crowd and into the car.

"Damn." Cassidy exhaled as she sat back in the seat. Austin placed his tattooed palm on her thigh, a small sign that comforted Cassidy.


Cassidy was not surprised when Austin had the car pull up to an Olive Garden in London of all places. Even Alex got a kick out of it as they made their way to a table in the back.

"This feels like our first date." Cassidy smiled.

"Even with our big bad bodyguard?" Austin chuckled. Alex looked up from his menu.

"Oh; I can leave!.." he teased. Austin flipped him off playfully and helped Cassidy figure out what she wanted to eat.

By the end of their meal, Cassidy and Austin both had a few drinks and we're both feeling the effects of their alcohol. The pair kept teasing and making jokes at one another.

"Babe, I'm drunk." Cassidy chuckled from the back seat of their car.

"Aw. My little lightweight." It was Austin's turn to laugh. "We're almost to the hotel, and we can get you some water to help." Cassidy didn't say anything as she lay her head on Austin's shoulder.

They arrived at the hotel and were able to make it up to their room without too much attention. In the elevator, Cassidy was giggling and laughing like the drunken fool she was, making Austin and Alex laugh as well.

Alex made sure the couple got to their room before retreating to his own. As Cassidy opened the door the first thing she noticed was a small box of what looked like to be cookies sitting on the bed in front of them. 

"What the heck is this?!" Cassidy exclaimed as she walked towards the bed.

"I may have gotten word that there is a phenomenal bakery around here, and Eric May or may not have helped place an order yesterday.

"Baby this is so sweet. These look amazing right now!" Cassidy laughed as she tore open the box open and shove half of a cookie in her mouth.

Austin watched as his girlfriend drunkenly ate her birthday cookies, and smiled. He admired her in this exact moment.

He was brought back from his thoughts as he felt Cassidy grab his hand and pull him closer. "Aust. You have to try these chocolate chip cookies." Cassidy smiled. How could he say no to that?

a/n: I suckkk. I know. I open this story almost daily and WANT to write. But I've been struggling hard. I've got a ton going on Irl. Getting a new job. Raising the puppy my husband got me for Christmas.. ya know. The norm. 🖤😂 were up to 15k reads and that blows my fucking mind y'all. Thank you. Please please pleaseeee continue to like this!!

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