The bigening and The trip

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(AN don't judge me on my grammar I suck at is to don't @ me ) ( if you are a snowflake this story is not for you I use bad language)

I have known Dabi  sense middle school he and I have gotten really close and we are going to the same high school U.A but Dabi stoped Talking to me all together I was disappointed but I had to get through the day. My seat was on the opposite side of the room in the back of Dabis it was almost lunchtime and I couldn't wait.

(Time skip brought to you by the lazy ass author)

It was the end of the day and we had a week long break even though we just started school. We decided to go on a trip me Dabi and his gang and a few other of my friends. I get in the first car and Dabi and his gang are in the van I somehow got in the back seat but I didn't really mind much after driving for about three hours we needed to get gas I fell asleep and got woken up by someone poring water on me I was all wet and I look at the person who did it with the death glare. I got out of the car and started filling it with gas while I was shaking all the water off all the water what I didn't relized dabi was starring at me when I noticed he was looking at me " why are you soaking wet " I looked at him " because I got water dumped all over me " he nods I was still wet when I got back in the car and so was my stuff I sigh and went back to sleep when I got woken up again we were eating lunch I was at the tables waiting for everybody to come over with the food when they did I grabbed my cup and went to fill it up when I felt a slap on my ass I turn around and see this huge man behind me " hey doll how about we go have fun at my house " " no thanks " and with that I went back to filling my drink the man grabbed me and spun me around he had one hand on my breast and one on my crotch Dabi was watching what was happening and when he saw this he got up and came over he put me behind him " get out " the man finally left but then I felt really dizzy and I past out the mans quirk was if he touches you he can hurt you outside and the inside I woke up and we were back on the road I was in dabis lap he notices I was awake " hey are you ok are you hurt " " not that I no of and I am sorry " " for what " " being such a burden "" you are not a burden and you need rest sleep " I nuzzled into his chest and fell back asleep when I woke up I was in dabis arms in a hotel room I look up at him he smiles down at me I sit up " I am sorry " " what why " " because you were trying to avoid me and I had to go and do this and made you take care of me " " where did you get that from " " you just started to ignore me all of a sudden and I just thought " " I was avoiding you but I was trying to keep you safe " he kisses me and I kiss back " but obviously that was a mistake " we smile " let's go get food " I try and get up but I collapse Dabi rushes over to me I am grabbing my right leg and there is blood all over the leg of my jeans " I am gonna help ok " I nod he took the jeans off and looked at my leg he saw cuts all over it but what was worse was the two big gashes and how it was broken in two spots he calls and ambulance and I get rushed to the ER he was with me the hole way even though I was passed out most of the time when I woke up I had stitches and I had a bright orange cast on my leg I look at Dabi he smiles at me I was able to leave that day we ate and then went back to the hotel when I walk in with the crutches all the people that were on the trip all look from my cast to Dabi " did you do that to her " " no he didn't when the guy at the restaurant touched me his quirk must have had something to do with it Dabi was here for me and stayed near me the hole time " I smile he comes up behind me and I lay back against him everyone was surprised at how I could get so close to him we all watched movies and played games Dabi and I were cuddling on the be while doing this I fell asleep on him they all went to bed after I fell asleep the next morning I woke up and I packed all of my stuff and I thought Dabi was going to put it in the car but instead he put it in the van " you are riding with us " I smile and I go over to him he helps me into the van and I sit with him by the window we get on the road and I was watching out the window Dabi was smiling at me when he saw my face light up when I saw horses in a devils he told the driver something and we pulled over he helped me out and helped me out to the horses I was petting one of them when I got stabbed Dabi wasn't paying attention but when he herd me scream he saw the person and started running to me I dropped my crutches and I hit there head on my knee he gets to me and is all worried " Y\N are you ok " I almost fall he holds me up and get me my crutches I pull out the knife and I put gauze on the sour I whistle and the horses come back running up I smile I put my forehead on one of the horses then I walk back to the van Dabi helps me in and we start our way again I fell asleep again I wake up a few minutes before me get there we put the bags in the cabin and some In the house he helps me down the hill and we go in the house I talk with great grandma for a bit the I go out and I lay in the hammock with Dabi.

( time skip brought to you again by my lazy ass )

The week went quick and we were back in school and were back to normal.

( a few months later)

Dabi was taken and had joined the league of villains and I made the hardest dicision of my life and hate him but the summer training camp was in a few day and I was really excited ( time skip to the day you leave for the training camp ) it was finally here and I was so excited we loaded the bus and we were off we got to a parking area and met two of the four wild pussy cats then we were thrown into the forest
and had to fight earth monsters every made it to the camp 3 hours later we ate and then got into the hot springs I was the last one out of the hot springs little did I know I was being watched I went to sleep the next day was a hard day of training that night was a break and all the fun stuff we were all ready when I smelt smoke and saw flames blue flames.
( and that is the end of this chapter thank you for reading I will rather update later or I will tomorrow I think I will later but thank you again hope you liked it

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