Nobody Part 2

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After not feeling well for months, The Joker finally found out why: the life threatening condition is so serious there's only a 50/50 chance of survival. Dealing with a brain tumor is not going to be easy, that's why The King of Gotham asked his half-brother Arthur to help Y/N while he'll undergo treatment.

 Dealing with a brain tumor is not going to be easy, that's why The King of Gotham asked his half-brother Arthur to help Y/N while he'll undergo treatment

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"Hey Pumpkin," The Joker kisses you. "Are you awake?"

You smack your lips and stretch, opening your eyes since you have no other choice.

"I am now... Are you feeling sick? Need anything?" the nursing side takes over while he's silent, too busy wrapping your right leg around his waist. "Mister Joker," you immediately gasp. "No guns in bed!"

"It's not my gun," he smirks and you chuckle at the evident truth. "When's the last time we had sex, huh? Two weeks ago?!"

"Mmmm..." you debate, caressing his face. "Something like that."

"All the meds are messing me up," J pouts. "Great news though: turns out I'm not dead yet," he adds and you yank him in your arms before his speech ruins the mood.

"Maybe we should sleep outdoors more often; it seems to have a beneficial effect," Y/N underlines the welcomed idea The Joker had last night about resting on the terrace.

"Or maybe it's just from having my girl close," he utters a nice sentence, instantly correcting himself. "This is clearly the tumor messing with my brain; makes me say weird stuff."

"Perhaps we should keep it then," you sigh as The King of Gotham pulls down on your PJ shorts. "I like to hear weird stuff like that."

"Do ya'?!" he fakes his surprise because he tries to avoid the subject.


"Naaah, I vote for sex and dirty talk!" J hisses and slides on top of you, prompting laughter when he starts nibbling on your cleavage. "Let's have some fun before my mojo's gone!"

"Mojo!" you repeat since you can't stop cracking up, the unexpected entertaining morning 100 percent welcomed after the stressful past months.

"Shut up and let's sin," The Joker gives in to your charms. "You can be laud: Arthur's a heavy sleeper, not that he can hear us anyway."


His brother is actually downstairs; Arthur woke up at 7:15am, moped around for a bit, then decided to cook breakfast. That's what he's been doing for the past 20 minutes: it wasn't difficult to locate the necessary ingredients and bestowing his talents upon the famished couple might help in the long run.

He figured Y/N and J will appreciate his culinary abilities succeeding napping on the inflatable mattress outside; fresh air is bound to make one hungrier than usual.

So here's the result of his hard work: two plates filled with bacon, eggs, hash browns, waffles and freshly sliced oranges perfectly arranged in symmetrical patterns.

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