Chapter Two

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I'm surprised by how many views my video gets. But it also gets me wondering; are people watching it because they are interested in the life of my puppy (yes, that was a pretty unusual subject) or were they just watching it to take the piss?
My life changed that day while I was getting off the bus. Sixth Form wasn't too bad, most of my friends had moved there with me so I was happy. I usually got off the bus and walked home with my neighbour and life long friend, Luke.
My phone started vibrating when I stood up to leave.
Luke and I walked off, and I immediately checked my phone.
Zoella subscribed to your channel
Zoella commented on your video: I...
"What?!" I said a little too loudly.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked.
"No, not really! Zoe flipping Sugg just subscribed to my channel!" I was sat on the pavement with my back to the nearest wall now, trying to take slow breaths and calm down.
"Oh my God!" Luke and I had accidentally discovered the Suggs together and become some of their biggest fans. Although he didn't say anything, I knew Luke loved Zoe as much as I did Joe.
"Are you going to reply?" He asks, looking over my shoulder.
"Of course. Imagine, me and Zoe becoming best friends." I laugh. Okay, I'm definitely too excited, laughing at my own joke.
"Well, your sure to get more views now she's commented."
"Yeah, I suppose so. Come on, I think it's going to rain. Anyway, it's YouTube Thursday." I stand up and hold my hand out for Luke. He takes it and stands up.
YouTube Thursday was what we'd started back when we were something like 13 or 14. Every Thursday we'd spend a maximum of two hours after school watching YouTube videos and discovering new YouTubers. It was great.
"Thanks. Oh yeah! YouTube Thursday! Let's go!" We walk home and get in the door just as the first rumble of thunder starts.
After a week, Eva and I have moved on from private Twitter messaging and have exchanged numbers. This could be pretty risky, seeing as I'm pretty well known now, but I'd covered all areas. Like twenty questions in disguise. I'd asked things it would be very hard to get around if you were a 50 year old stalker. Then we'd FaceTimed, which had proved my point. She was a real girl with real dreams and a crush on my brother.
She seemed so nice. I knew she and I would be good friends. I was just waiting until I knew her a bit better before I invited her to collaborate with me. Alfie had given this piece of advice to me when I explained exactly what was going on.

I can hardly believe what I'm reading. I have to read it about twenty five times before I really take in what's happening. I tell Luke before I even tell my parents. Oh, I'm crying by the time I tell them.

From: Zoë Sugg
To: Me
Subject: Big news!
Hi Eva. I have some very very very exciting news to tell you, so I'll just get on with it...
I've been discussing this with Alfie for a few weeks now, and we've come to a decision.

We'd like to invite you to stay in Brighton with us for the week beginning in two weeks! We hope this isn't too short notice (if it is we can try and re-schedule ASAP)
It's just we really really really want to film some videos with you!
I hope you can come. So does Alfie.
(Hopefully) see you soon!!!!
Love from Zoë and Alfie xx

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