Chapter Twenty Four

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"So, why were you looking on my phone?" I ask Caspar. I'm so annoyed. What could he possibly want?
"You've been texting someone else..."
"What do you mean? My friends?" I say.
"Not exactly." He mutters.
"Who then?"
"Well, someone called Dan needs to go easy on the kisses."
Oh. He saw my messages to Dan. They weren't exactly love messages. They were just friendly.
"I was just-he's my friend."
"Dan who?" He murmurs.
" not on fire." I say vaguely.
"You know Dan Howell and you didn't tell me?"
"Well, I only met him this morning. And I didn't know he was famous. Or your friend. Or that he was going to send me kisses on the end of the texts..."
"Oh. Okay," He looks up at me. "Sorry."
" I know you are..." I walk over to hug him. He stands up and hugs me back, putting his head on top of mine."Friends again?" He asks.
"Friends." I confirm.
"I think the biscuits are done." He says, walking into the kitchen. I follow him. They are, although they're all funny shapes because we couldn't find cutters.
The rest of the afternoon is spent eating cookies and chatting. I look at my phone a few hours later and see I have thirty new Twitter notifications.
@danisnotonfire : Brill morning with @Lilliexox first time I've not been really socially awkward around a new person XD
This makes me smile.Then I see some of the replies. They're all pretty mean. Some people are shipping us, but they surely know I'm with Caspar, right?! I send out a message reading:
Guys, I'm not with Dan. He's a friend...
I then see that Caspar has tweeted:
Fun baking session with @Lilliexox 😘
This one makes me feel much better.I go to sit next to him. "Caspar. Thank you. I'm sorry. I-" He brushes my fringe out of my eyes and we've just kissed when my phone goes off. I quickly check it:
Dan: I'm free Thursday? Sorry, I just really want to see you again, and meet my friend Phil x
I put my phone on the coffee table."Who was that?" Caspar whispers, as if we're in a full room.
"Oh, no one." I say, and we continue our kiss.

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