Chapter Thirty Three

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"Lillie? Lillie?" Says a familiar voice next to me.
"Yes?" I sit up and rub my eyes. I was still living with Caspar, despite my parents being home. I was helping to pay the rent and I was kind of there all the time anyway.
"She's had it."
"What? Who?"
Caspar turns on the light. "Eva's had a girl."
"Oh my god really?"
"Really. Joe sent me a picture. She's tiny." He hands me his phone, and the time reads 6:40am. He's right, she is tiny.
"What have they called her?" I ask.
"Eva the second."
"Are you joking?" I look at him in surprise.
"Yes. She's called Bree Ivy."
"That's a beautiful name. Very Eva."
"Yes. I doubt Joe had a choice." Caspar laughs.
"We need to buy her something."
"Right now?"
"No, obviously not," I say, getting my phone. I've got a text from Joe, the same one as Caspar.
"I better tell my mum." I add. When they'd agreed to let me stay at Caspar's permanently, my parents had organised a dinner party and told me to invite some of my 'new friends' so they knew who I'd been hanging out with for the last six months. Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Eva and Caspar had been my choice. Also Nala.
Charly hid in her bedroom, refusing to talk to any of them. My mum had taken a liking to Eva, though, asking her all sorts of questions. She'd be pleased to know about the baby.
I call Joe and put it on speaker so Caspar can talk, too. He picks up on the last ring.
"Hey Lillie."
"Hi Joe, how are you?"
"Tired. You?"
"Alright. How's Eva?"
"She's surprisingly okay."
"When are they coming home?" Caspar asks.
"Tomorrow. I think. I'm not too sure. I'm coming home tonight though, this hospital is doing my head in."
"Okay then, feel free to come over here anytime you like."
"Thank you. I might, actually. Okay, Zoe's calling me. I've got to go. I'm sorry. Bye, guys."
"Bye, Joe, take care." I say, and he hangs up.
There's a quiet knock on the door and I open it. Joe is stood outside, wearing ripped jeans, a faded "HEEELLLLOO" Marcus t-shirt and a jacket. His hair is ruffled and there are big bags under his eyes.
"Oh, Joe, come in."
"Thank you." He walks inside, and I pat him on the shoulder. He's freezing.
"So how are they, then?" I ask as I'm putting the kettle on.
"They're great! There's been no problems or anything. I'm just so tired!"
"You're tired?! I've got a feeling Eva's feeling, like, 10 times worse." Caspar says, going to sit next to Joe.
"Okay, yeah, probably. Sorry to keep moaning."
"That's okay. Who's with Eva now?"
"I think it's her mum, but visiting hours are nearly over. She's made friends with a lot of people in there and now she just wants to sleep."
"Are you staying here or going home?"
"Do you mind if I, I mean, can I stay here? It'll be so weird without them at home..."
"Joe, you know you're welcome here anytime you want." I say. We'd hate the thought of him being at home alone sat on Twitter or whatever when he could be here with us.
"Thank you." He says, and then I finish making dinner and turn the Christmas lights on.

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