Chapter Twenty Three

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I walk over to the table by the window that Lillie is sat at. Her hair is shielding her face, and she's looking at her phone. She glances up at me, and then it starts ringing.
"I'm so sorry, I have to take this." She rushes outside and I can see her through the window.
"Caspar, I'm so sorry." I say into the phone.
"Where are you? Are you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm perfectly safe."
"Where are you? You're an half an hour late!"
"Yeah, I, uh, ran into a friend. I haven't seen them in ages and they asked if we could go for coffee. Today was the only day they could do. I'll see you ASAP!"
"Okay, fair enough. Love you."
Wait, did he just say love you?
"Ur, love you too. Bye!"
Lillie returns to the tea shop looking much more relaxed than she did a few minutes ago.
"Everything okay?" I ask her.
"Yes thank you." She sits down, and picks up her cup. She then goes to take a drink, but tips it before it gets to her mouth. Hot tea trickles into her lap, and she jumps up.
"It's alright, are you alright?" I ask her as she rushes around in a panic and I reach for some napkins.
I sit down once I'm cleaned up and Dan launches into this long story about his friend Phil smashing a mug of hot coffee at their apartment. I know him from somewhere. I know his voice.
"Wait..." I interrupt him. "I thought I knew your voice! You and Phil are from Radio 1, right?"
"Right. I'm also on YouTube...?"
"Oh, maybe you know my...well, he's kind of my...ugh, I hate the word boyfriend, but-"
"Caspar Lee? Maybe you don't-"
"Of course I know Caspar! You're together?"
"Kind of. That's who I was on the phone too, I'm supposed to be spending the day with him."
"I'll see you later, Dan. It was nice to meet you." I say as I walk away.
"Bye. You, too."
I'm almost at Caspar's when my phone goes off.
Dan: That was fun. We should do it again sometime x
I quickly type a reply: Yeah, maybe :)
I'm just answering some emails when the doorbell rings.
"Caspar!" Lillie is stood in the doorway.
"Lillie!" I pick her up and carry her inside. I'm not angry that she was late. I'm more than happy to see her.
"I'm sorry I was late, I just met up with a friend."
"That's fine, I've just been answering some emails."
"Cool. What have you got planned?"
"Well, I thought we could do some baking. How about you?"
"I haven't done any baking in ages. That sounds perfect!"
I pull out some flour and sugar out of the cupboard and grab some butter from the fridge.
"Do you have a recipe?" Lillie asks.
"Nope! We're just going to guess."
"Sounds good."
When they're ready to go in the oven, the kitchen is covered in flour. That's mostly because the bag split all over us.
I've decided not to vlog today, but that doesn't stop me from snapping loads of pictures to post on the internet later. Lillie takes a lot too.
"I'm just going to the loo." She leaves the room, and I'm left alone. There's a soft, digital sound that comes from behind me. When I turn around, I see that Lillie has left her phone on the table. It's open on Twitter. A text banner has appeared along the top...
Dan: Looking forward to our next meeting...hehe xx
Before I know what I'm doing, I've clicked it. It's re-directed me to her messages. I instantly feel bad, but I want to know who Dan is.
D- That was fun. We should do it again sometime x
L- Yeah, maybe :)
D- Maybe?! I'm hoping that's code for yes. Yes? Haha x
L- I guess x
What was fun? Who is he?
"Caspar?" I spin around, and Lillie is stood at the doorway. "What are you doing?!"
"I, um...I can explain." I quickly place her phone back on the table.
"I think you'd better!"

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