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I rest my head on his shoulder. He puts his arm around me and we look into the sun that is slowly setting over the lake.
"I'm glad I made this decision." I say.
"What, to come here?" He asks.
"No. Not exactly. I mean, that I decided to go to Joe's that day."
"Which day?" He asks.
"Oh, I haven't told you yet. He and Eva invited me to Bree's party at a meeting the week before. I hadn't seen them for about a year. And so I went. I felt a bit like that know, the one that randomly turned up at Joe and Eva's that day?"
"Oh, yeah."
"But it was like time never passed at all," I add quietly. "And then I saw you."
"And I saw you." He smiles.
"I love you, Caspar Lee." I say for the first time since we got back together, moving my head and looking up at him.
"I love you too." He says, touching his forehead to mine and then his lips.
I sit with Joe and we scroll through some really old videos. Like, our very first collab.
"Oh my god." I say, resisting the urge to turn it off. It's unbelievably cringey.
"Aww, no, they're cute," Joe laughs. "Also terribly cringey."
"Thank you," I sigh. "Please don't make me watch anymore."
"Alright, fine." He says, trying to sound stern as he shuts the laptop, but it doesn't work and we end up laughing.
"You know that video was published nine years ago?" I ask.
"I know right. It feels like yesterday." He takes my hand.
"Do you ever think about taking a break from YouTube?" I ask after a few minutes.
"Not much. Maybe a few times. Why?"
"Well, because...I think I need one."
"That's fine; whatever you want to there a reason for this?" He adds.
"Actually, there is..." It's time to tell him...
"I've been offered a new job." I've also been putting off telling him this for quite a while.
"Where?" He asks curiously, moving the laptop to the side.
"Well, they need someone to start editing the new series of 'Pretty Little Liars'...they're remaking it ready for next year. If I say yes, I can go in and have a tour next Friday." I explain.
"Do you know how cool that is?" He says, a huge smile appearing on his face.
"Of course there'll be other people there...and I'll probably only be assigned to the credits or something, but...yeah, it's exciting."
"Well, to celebrate, I think we should watch all of the seasons. Right now." He suggests.
"It's not that much of a big deal." I say, looking at the ground and smiling.
"Yes it is." He says, tilting his head and putting a hand gently under my chin, lifting it up. I smile and he tucks my hair behind my ear before turning on the TV. He then puts his arm on the back of the sofa, exactly like that day nine years ago.
As Alison, Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Aria move around the screen, I find myself slipping into a sort of flashback about that day. I've come so far since then, and I am truly amazed.

A/N So, there you have it! If you're reading this then I want to thank you for putting up with it and getting this far! In particular, (there's so many but it's late so I'll just go with a few) thanks so much to Heather, Lily, Gee, Maddy, Niamh (AND SO MANY MORE) for the support whilst writing this and all your wonderful suggestions, whether they made it in or not XD I've been working on this for a third of a year (which sounds much longer than it really is!) and I didn't expect it to get 200 reads, let alone TWO THOUSAND!
Lastly, I hope that you enjoyed this story. I know I enjoyed writing it :)
Holly x

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