Chapter Fourteen

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I sit on the train with my headphones in. I'm going to see Zoë. Nobody approaches me on the train because there's nobody else on it.
I scroll through my photos. My homescreen is Tyler, Colleen and I when we made our video a few months ago. I don't think I'd ever laughed that much since Joe. But, like all good things, their visit ended and they left.
Luke moved away too. I'd never cried that much since Joe. It was horrible. His parents decided they needed a change, so they moved about an hour away. It didn't seem far at first, but then new people moved in and they're very loud not that kind, so I realised I couldn't just run next door if I needed help with homework or a chat, so then I decided to move out. That's where I'm going now, to see my new house in Brighton. Zoe is stood on the platform, waiting for me.
"Zoe, I've missed you loads." She hugs me and we walk down the platform.
"I've missed you too. I'm so glad you're considering moving here, though."
"Yeah, I know. Me too."
The last time Zoe and I saw each other was a month after that day at the train station. We met up in whilst I was in London filming with Tyler. Luckily I was nowhere near Joe. She helped me through it. The last time I was in contact with him was over Instagram. He sent me a photo asking when I was next around so he could "chat" with me. I just replied "I'm not sure, I'll let you know :)" and left it. I'd spoken to Caspar a lot though. He and Joe had had a massive fight the day Joe returned but they'd soon made up again. I really didn't care at the time. I'd tried to just ignore everything about him, about YouTube. I didn't make another video since the one we'd made on the Saturday night to the one's with Colleen, Miranda and Tyler.
"You've changed so much." Zoe says. She's right. Since the last time I saw her, I'd gotten glasses and dyed my hair brown (a friend from my photography course had bought me a hair salon voucher for Christmas and I needed a change anyway.)
"So, have you heard about Jarper?" Zoe says in the car.
"No? What's that?" I ask curiously.
"Oh God. I shouldn't have said anything..."
"No, tell me."
"Well," she looks at me sideways. "Have you heard of Harper Joy? The singer that's friends with Troye?"
"Oh, what, that one that loves herself?"
"That exact one, well she's-"
"She's going out with Joe isn't she..." I say, trying not to sound as disappointed as I am.
"Yeah...but only recently. He took months to get over you."
"I'm sure he did. I haven't watched any of his videos or anything like that since."
"I didn't think you had. He met her by accident at some meeting or something. She's very controlling. Caspar hates her. I don't particularly like her myself, to be honest."
"Good." I mumble. I'm glad that Zoe and Caspar don't like her because I certainly don't. No more now than I did when I first saw her with those blonde curls and perfect face. Perfect to her anyway.
We get to Zoe's house and she unlocks the door. We both walk in and I put my bags at the foot of the stairs. I can hear chatter from the living room.
"Alfie, she's here." Alfie walks out of the living room. But who was he talking to before? My question is answered when I'm hugging him.
When he walks out of the living room.
"Oh, I meant to tell you...Joe's here too." Zoe says.
"Oh. I can see. Hi." I say, breaking away from Alfie. Joe runs over to me and hugs me too. I was expecting it to be way more awkward than this the next time I saw him.
I relax until a pair of feet in high white boots walk around the corner. My eyes look up to see who it is. Black tights, stripy black and white dress with a collar, expensive necklace, blonde curls, pink lips, blue eyes and a small pointy nose.
It's Harper Joy.
"Oh, this is her." She says. I'm thinking the same thing.
"Yeah." Joe stands next to me nervously.
"Hi," she comes over to me and smiles that flawless smile, her teeth glittering, and holds out a hand. I shake it. "I'm Harper Joy. Good to meet you." She lightly kisses my cheeks.
"You too." I smile a fake smile, just like she just did.
"You look different." Joe says.
"Yeah. I needed a change."
"Looks nice." He says quietly, but loud enough for just me to hear.
"Where's Caspar?" I ask.
"Back in London." Harper sneers. The feelings Caspar has towards her are clearly mutual.
"Oh that's a shame. I haven't seen him in a while."
"Yeah, real shame." Harper says sarcastically, looking me up and down.
I think I'll officially join Caspar and Zoe on that issue of not liking her.

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