Chapter Five

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Eva is great. After she'd got to know me a bit better, she was more confident and talkative. We'd each chosen a different video to do with her; partly to get her into the swing of being prepared to make a variety of different YouTube videos and partly to get to know us all a bit better.
I'd gone first. Of course, I'd entered her into the world of pranks. I really should have left that up to Caspar and done impressions, but it was the first thing I'd thought of and I wanted to make her laugh.
It was fun. We laughed so much prank calling people. Jim and Louise didn't guess until the very end.
Then Niomi and Eva did a Spring favourites clip. They got on very well. After that it was Alfie's turn, where Eva gave him a makeover. She and Marcus did a 'most common awkward moments' video, followed by she and Zoë doing a hair tutorial, Caspar teaching her how to be Miranda Sings.
We all went down and ordered pizza.
Eva and I were sat on bar stools at the Island table thing in the kitchen when she pulled out her laptop.
"I've just got to FaceTime my friend. Sorry to be annoying."
"No, no, go ahead." I say.
Her friend picks up almost immediately. She tells me his name is Luke and that they have been friends forever.
"Hey Luke." She says when it connects.
"Hi...wait, is can't that Joe?" He asks, stunned.
"Hi Luke." I say, to be polite.
"Oh my god." He puts his head in his hands.
"Hi my name's-"
"Caspar, everyone knows who you are!" I say.
"Alright, Joe-" then the doorbell goes and Caspar runs to answer it. "PIZZAAA!"
"I'm so sorry, Luke. We have to go now." Eva says apologetically.
"That's okay," He says. "Have fun."
"Bye." She waves and presses END.
I'm about to ask some questions about Luke when Eva gets up and walks over to Caspar.
"I heard pizza?" She says. I follow her over.
We all have our pizza and ice cream. By the time that's finished I realise it's nearly nine pm.
"Come on, Marky, we've got to get back." Niomi says.
"God, look at the time. Yeah, we do. Thanks for the pizza and everything." Marcus says.
"No problem." Alfie says. They come round and give us all a hug goodbye and then leave.
"Let's watch another movie." Caspar says.
"Okay, your turn to choose." Eva says.
"Alright then." He rushes into the living room and rifles through Zoe and Alfie's DVD collection.
"Let's watch The Fault in our Stars." He says.
"Go ahead. I need to do some editing." Zoe says.
"Do you need my help?" Eva asks.
"Not just yet, maybe in a minute so we can choose which clips you want."
Eva nods and goes to sit on the sofa. I join her.
When the film is getting near the end, Eva starts to cry a bit. I decide to be the nice new friend and go to put my arm around her, but Joe stops me. We have a silent argument over who is going to comfort her, and Joe unfortunately wins. Alfie is sat next to me on his laptop and Zoe is out editing.
Caspar chose to watch The Fault in our Stars. It's one of my favourites, but I always end up crying near the end. I didn't want to be rude and point this out, so I let him put it on and tried not to cry, although I did. Joe put his arm around me and, again, my whole body tensed. I'd only met them today but I'd become good friends with Caspar and Joe. Although I'd thought about if before I met them, I didn't want to go further than good friends at this point. But I still didn't throw away the opportunity to be hugged by Joe Sugg, of course.
The film ended not long after Zoë had finished editing. It was almost midnight, so I stood up to go to bed.
"Where are you going?" Joe asks.
"To bed." I tell him.
"Good idea. I think I should, too. Are you coming, Caspar?" He asks.
"Sure." He stands up and we go upstairs.
"See you in the morning." I shout to Zoë and Alfie.
"Sleep well." Zoë says and I carry on up the stairs.
I stop at my door and give Joe a hug and Caspar a high five.
"Night Eva." They say, and climb up into the loft.
"Night." I smile and go into my room. Then, I lay in bed and reply to all the Tweets and texts and DM's I've been sent throughout the day. Mostly because I've been seen in Alfie's vlog.
Then, I burrow down under the quilt and try to sleep.

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