Chapter Twenty Six

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Once I'm out of the shop, I scroll through my contacts, trying to find someone who could help. Did I deal with that the right way?
"Lillie? Hello?"
"Eva!" It's a relief when I hear her voice.
"What's wrong?"
"I just...please can you meet me somewhere?"
"Do you want to come to our house? You remember where it is, right?"
"Right. I'll be there ASAP."
"Oh, Lillie, what's up?" Eva asks, welcoming me in.
"I, uh, I just met up with in Dan Howell. He's just a friend, he knows I'm with Caspar, but then he..."
"What's he done?!" Eva says as we sit down.
"Tried to kiss me!"
"I don't believe it!" She puts her arm around me. "Do you want some tea?"
"Yes please..."
I've just explained everything from the last couple of weeks to her when Joe walks in.
"Oh, hey Lillie."
"Hey Joe." I say. I've calmed down from my little outburst earlier.
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh, it's just because I went to see Caspar just now and-"
"If I tell you why I'm here, please don't tell Caspar yet." I say.
"Alright then." Joe sits next to Eva on the sofa and we explain.
"You have to tell him."
"Okay, but not by myself."
"There's nothing to be ashamed of unless you kissed him back, which you didn't."
"Invite him here now, Joe." Says Eva.
Caspar arrives and we tell him. He's not angry. Not at me, anyway. More at Dan.
"Do you two want to stay for dinner? I made some pizza earlier-" Eva starts to say.
"Eva," Caspar looks at her blankly. "Did you even need to ask?"
"I'll take that as a yes..." Eva walks into the kitchen, laughing. I follow her and let Caspar and Joe chat about whatever Caspar and Joe chat about.
I've just put the pizzas in the oven and am talking to Lillie when the doorbell rings. I'm not really bothered at first. It's nothing unusual. But then I realise that it is...

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