Chapter Nineteen

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A month later, I go to dinner at Lillie's. I'd spoken to her almost everyday. It was nice, to not be left out. Not that I felt left out all the time, but since Eva, Joe's been out to loads of dinner parties with Janya, Narcus and Zalfie. I've felt like a third wheel until now.
I reach out to ring the doorbell. The house is down this big driveway. I had to go through these massive gates and type in a code Lillie gave me!
A tall, bald man in a suit opens the door. I recognise him as Lillie's father, one of those men who always wears a suit. I'd worn jeans and a long sleeved white shirt. I hoped that was acceptable...
"Hi, I'm Caspar Lee..."
"Come on in, young man." He steps aside.
I'm just walking inside when I spot a girl wearing white jeans and a red band t-shirt walking down the stairs. She looks like Lillie, but older; she has her blonde hair in a high ponytail and bright red lipstick on.
"Are you Caspar?"
"Yeah, hi." I shake her hand.
"I'm Charly, Lillie's sister. She's just upstairs. Follow me." She has this sly look about her that I'm unsure of, but I follow her anyway, not wanting to seem rude.
"Just come in here a second." She opens the door to a big room. It's got a double bed and a desk and hundreds of rock band posters lining the walls. I can't see Lillie anywhere, and I realise then that it's too late. This isn't Lillie's room at all.
There's a click as the door closes.
"Do you really like my little sister? Because, I think you and I would be much better suited..." She looks up at me. Her blue eyes are very hard to look away from.
I start to back away.
I know what she's up to...
"What the hell are you playing at?!" I say rather loudly.
And then, just like that, she grabbed my shirt in her fist, undoing some buttons, and stood up on tiptoes, pursing her mouth and coming really close to me. Her horrible crimson red lips had just touched mine when I pushed her away...

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