Chapter Seventeen

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"Come on, we're leaving!" My mum shouts up the stairs.
"Two seconds," I reply, fastening the bow in my hair. "Ah, there we go."
My parents, my sister and I are going to a party of my dad's boss. Tonight is going to consist of awkwardly trying to socialise with people I've probably never met or sitting in the corner on my phone.
We arrive and it's in this big hall. There's a lot of people there. My dad works in computing or something complicated like that and his boss is very rich. My older sister finds some girls from her gymnastics class. I could hang around with them, but instead I look around for someone I know properly.
There's a tall blonde boy in the corner. He's watching me. I know him from somewhere. The right thing to do would be to go and talk to him, but I'm too shy, so I rummage for my phone in my bag and pretend to answer a message. I'm taken by surprise five minutes later when he taps me on the shoulder.
"Hi." He smiles awkwardly.
"Hey." I look up. He has very blue eyes.
"Oh, I'm Caspar by the way." He reaches his hand out.
"Oh, sorry, yeah, I'm Lillie," I take his hand. "I've never met a Caspar before." I add. He laughs.
"So, how do you know Mr Jones, then?" He asks, referring to my father's boss.
"Oh, he's my dad's boss."
"Really? I make videos on YouTube and he needed some famous faces, I guess. But no one seems to know who I am..."
"Wait, I think I do. I knew I'd seen you somewhere! My friends have spoken about you before. Do you mind if I-" I reach for my phone again and switch it to front face camera and we take a picture.
"Well actually, I was wondering if I could have your number?" He smiles at me.
"Oh, um," I blush, and then scold myself for the hesitation. "Of course."
We exchange numbers and talk for the rest of the evening. Is this happening?!
I avidly wait for Caspar to call or text. He posts one of our selfies on Instagram, but that's the last I hear until Thursday.
I'm in the most boring maths class known to human history when my pocket buzzes. I look down.
Caspar: I need to ask you a favour x
Did he just add a kiss on the end?! I brush it away and reply instead.
Go ahead :)
I try to keep up with the lesson until he replies:
My friend Joe's getting married next weekend. I need a plus one? X
I can't hide my smile. I've just been invited to Joe Sugg's wedding, where all the most famous British YouTuber's will be!
Yeah sure. I'll ask my parents x
I spend the rest of the lesson smiling.
I walk home smiling.
My parents say yes.
I text Caspar back.
We talk for the rest of the evening.
I can't stop smiling.
Life is perfect right now.
I just need to ask myself if it's going to stay that way...

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