Chapter Eighteen

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My dad buys me a new blue dress for the wedding. He buys my sister Charly and I almost anything we want. I didn't even ask for this dress, but he must have guessed I was self conscious of wearing my best dress again (the one I'd worn last time I saw Caspar).
Charly helped me get ready. I could tell she was a bit jealous, but she was smart and knew it was hardly my fault. She also already had a boyfriend. Wait, did I just imply that Caspar was my boyfriend?!
"Have fun. Say hi to Zoe and Tan for me." She said as I climbed into the back of my dad's Mercedes. We were going to meet Caspar. Charly had already met Zoe and Tanya at an Amity Fest rehearsal in which Dad's boss was supposed to help set up but he couldn't make it so my dad and sister went instead.
We meet Caspar outside his flat. It's in Brighton.
"Actually, urm, I'm Joe's best man and he's organised transport from here." He explains to my father.
"Well, as long as my daughter's safe, I-"
"I'll be fine, Dad. Don't worry." I smile and get out of the car, taking my bag with me.
"Hello again," Caspar puts his arm around me. "Come in." We walk into their flat. It smells strongly like deodorant as soon as I walk in. I then realise that's because Joe, Alfie, Jim and Marcus are all getting ready in the living room.
"The girls? They're at a posh hotel down the road from the church." Caspar answers my question. It's kind of awkward, but then they all come to greet me.
I have to travel with the five of them in a black limousine that turns up outside. There's a lot of people at the church. Joe is really really nervous, I can tell.
When we're all seated (I get second row seats right behind Joe and Eva's families!)
I don't really know anyone there well enough to go and talk to them. Caspar is the other side of the church, talking to the boys. I'm scrolling through my Instagram when someone sits next to me. I look up to see a girl with brown hair and pink lips.
"Oh, you don't mind me sitting here, do you?" She asks. My suspicions of who she is are confirmed when she talks.
"Not at all. I'm Lillie by the way." I smile.
"Hi, I'm Gabby."
"Velvet Ghost..." I whisper. She hears me.
"Yep, that's me!" We get chatting until finally Eva arrives, accompanied by Zoe, Niomi, Tanya, Louise and a small girl who I've heard is her best friends sister.
The ceremony is cool, I guess. Caspar sits in the front row, diagonally across from me. We communicate using smiles and eyebrow raising.
We stand up and leave the church. Caspar catches me up and grabs my hand. I go to pull away, and then realise that's the wrong thing to do. I've had next to no experience with boys, so I think I was doing alright.
We walk outside. Niomi is taking lots of pictures. I send a picture to my sister, then get my own camera out.
We all go to a field. That sounds pretty boring, but there were big marquees and hay bales and fairy lights, with really posh portable toilets.
We all sit down for the meal not long after we arrive.
I was very surprised when I saw the small blonde headed girl who I'd sat next to in the church holding hands with Caspar. I mean, she looked about fourteen. She was older, though, at least eighteen. I sit with her for the meal, too.
Lillie and I are put on a table with Gabby, Louise, Matt, Tanya and Jim. We have such a good time. Marcus, Niomi, Dan, Phil, Marzia and Felix are sat on the table next to us. Gabby has been asked to sing. She's really nervous, but she shouldn't be, because her voice is amazing. Come on, we've all heard her Snapchats.
Before that, I take Lillie behind the marquees, because I need to talk to her privately.
"What is it?" She asks me.
"Well, I was just thinking...before anyone starts asking...are we...are we counting this as a date?" This is really embarrassing.
"If you want to, I mean...I don't know, we can if-"
I can see she's getting nervous and just as embarrassed as I am, so I cut her off by kissing her. Probably not the best move, but it worked. I could tell she was surprised. It didn't last long, and I kind of felt bad afterwards because I'd only met her once before, but did that really matter?
"Well, I uh-" she starts.
"That was-"
"Yeah, um...let's go back to the tent, I think Gabby's about to start." She walks off a few paces ahead of me, and so I follow and we sit back down to listen to Gabby. We hardly talk for the rest of the evening but it's okay because we dance and chat with other people so we're still socialising.
"Hi Lillie," Eva makes her way over to us with Joe. "I was just wondering if you had a ride home? Because if it's too late we have some spare spaces. At the house, I mean."
"Actually, that would be lovely," She says, to my surprise. "Caspar, did you want to-"
"Okay then." I say. The spare room at Joe's is basically mine anyway, for when I stay over. The loft has also been made into a few spare rooms.
We go back to Joe and Eva's at about 2:30. I've never stayed up this late before. My bedtime is very strict. I get given the spare room and Caspar stays in the loft. Eva is really really nice, she's dyed her hair back to blonde since her last video. I really can't believe what's happening. I stare at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Is this just luck? And will it run out soon?

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