Chapter Six

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I wake up and I'm not really sure where I am. There's a wooden dressing table to match the bed frame and red gingham curtains to match the red gingham bedspread. There's a different smell to my room at home. I can hear footsteps above me, and then it hits me. Straight in the face.
I'm in Zoë Sugg's house!
There's a gentle knock on the door. I shout for them to come in.
It's Joe. He's carrying a tray.
"Morning." He sets the tray down. On it, there is a cup of tea and a slice of honey on toast.
"Aww thanks." I say, sitting up in bed.
"No problem. Enjoy." He says, and then leaves.
I take a picture and put it on Twitter "breakfast in bed from @joe_sugg <3"
I don't realise what I've gotten myself into until it's too late. I put the tray, empty cup and plate on the dresser and then check my phone. Twitter has gone mental. I'm not sure how to handle something this big that's occurred in a matter of 10 minutes. The type of messages I was receiving went something like this:
AWW! I ship #Jeva
I'm so jelly of her :(
That's the cutest thing ever
Lucky girl
Joe can do so much better
I wish I was her
#Jeva all the way
I quickly get dressed into a checkered shirt, dungarees and tights, and then tiptoe downstairs as fast as I can.
"I'm just not ready yet." I hear Joe say when I'm halfway down the stairs. I can just see he has his back to me and Zoë has her arm round him. She turns around and walks back upstairs, beckoning me to follow her.
"I don't think you should go down there, Eva," she says when we're on the landing. "He's...quite upset about what's going on on the internet."
"I'm sorry, I didn't think." I say, trying not to cry. I haven't even been here twenty four hours yet and it feels like I'm ruining everything.
"I know, I know. I'm not angry with you, neither's Joe. He just doesn't want you to get hurt," I have started to cry now, so Zoë pulls me into her arms and hugs me. "Don't worry about it, he'll come around in his own time."
"Alright." I say, and Zoë lets me go so I can go back into my room. When I'm there, I fix my hair and put on some make-up to pass the time. Then there's a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say, having lost all the energy I had this morning.
"Are you okay?" It's only Caspar. I shrug and then run over to hug him. Luckily he catches me. The door is still open and a few minutes later Joe walks up the stairs, so I quickly break away from Caspar. I don't want him getting the wrong idea and being even more angry with me.
"Joe, look, I'm sorry-" I say, but he cuts me off.
"Chill, Eva. It's okay. I've sorted it out. I'm okay." He says it in a very monotone voice before turning away from me and climbing up the ladder.
"Please, make sure he's okay, for me?" I ask Caspar.
"Sure." He goes to follow Joe up the ladder and I go downstairs to see Zoë. Instead I find Alfie, eating his breakfast at the island kitchen.
"Hey Eva." He says.
"Hi Alfie. Do you know where Zoë is?"
"She's gone to the shops. Are you alright?"
"I suppose. I still think Joe's mad at me, though. Do you?"
"No, not really. He just needs some alone time."
"Okay, thanks Alfie." I go and sit next to him and flick through my phone. I see that Joe has posted a tweet.
Stop it, guys. #Jeva is not a thing yet. We're just friends, so please don't jump to conclusions. Thanks x
I retweet it, just to spread the word.
Zoë comes back and Marcus is with her.
"Is everyone alright now?" Zoë asks. "I bumped into Marcus and he said he was planning on coming over anyway."
"Hey Marcus." I look up and Joe is walking down the stairs. Caspar follows, and hugs Marcus straight away.
"Joe, are we cool?" I say quietly. He sighs before saying. "Cool." And hugging me briefly.
"Actually, I was going to see if Eva wanted to come for ice cream with me? It's a bit cold out today, but we don't really know each other well enough yet."
"Yeah, sure." I say.
"It's not a date or anything, of course! I just want to chat with you. I think we could be friends."
"Yeah, so do I." I reply.

We leave and walk along the pavement to the ice cream stand.
"I think my hands are already cold enough!" I laugh, rubbing them together. Marcus laughs. "No, seriously."
"No, really?" He says.
"Really!" I nudge him playfully.
"Let's see, then," He grabs my hand and cups it in his own two. "You're right, they're freezing!" We laugh and go to carry on down the street. Until we stop. There's a blinding flash. He let's go, and when I turn around, I see the back of a girl running away from us with a camera around her neck.
"Oh no." Marcus has his head in his hands.
Could today get any worse?

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