Chapter Fifteen

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Zoe and I are about to leave to view the house when Harper insists on coming, too.
The house is really beautiful. Zoe and I agree on nearly everything, whereas Harper hates all of my ideas.
"I think I could fit a sofa here, and then some candles on the fireplace." I say.
"That sounds great, Eva. It'll look amazing." Zoe says, studying the designs on the mirror.
"No. That won't look good. Candles might, like, set fire to the house. Duh." Harper replies. It makes me feel better that, although she's beautiful, she's a bit thick.
"Yeah, well I'm going to buy it." I say to the woman showing us around.
"Seriously?" Zoë says.
"Seriously. I like it. I don't want to spend any time pondering over decisions."
"Alright then, I'll get some paperwork in the post for you so expect a lot of phone calls!" The estate agent says.
When we're back at Zoe's I unpack. That's when it happens.
I'm hanging up my red dress when there's a knock on the door. I don't know why I brought it with me, maybe incase we went out somewhere nice?
"Come in." I say.
"Hi Eva-"
"Hi Joe." I say before he can finish.
"Look, I just wanted to say I've missed you. I made a mistake and-"
"And so you went off and got another girlfriend. She's horrible by the way. I'm getting good at predicting what you're going to say next, aren't I?" I retort.
"No, look, it wasn't like that. I didn't stop thinking about you. Zoe took me out to all these concerts and parties to take my mind off of things but it didn't work. Not at all. Every time I saw a blonde headed girl I'd get excited it was you," He sits in the same place on the bed as where he had 7 months ago. "Then I saw Harper, and she took my breath away, just like you did. I wasn't really sure what to do so we got chatting and I'm terrible with girls get the idea."
She comes and sits next to me. I have a flashback to the last time this happened; she looked so young then, her thick blonde hair in a fishtail, her green eyes staring at me. It was different now, she looked so much older. This time her chocolate brown hair is twisted into a messy bun on the top of her head and her green eyes look so much bigger when they're surrounded by the black rims of her glasses...
"I get it Joe." I look up at him. He looks back at me. Then, before I know it, his hand is on my waist and he's pulled me in towards him.
"I should've never let you go." We get closer and I'm not sure what to do. I shouldn't give in. It was his fault. All his fault. But I do it anyway.
And our lips had only just touched when the door slammed open.
"Oh my God." We're parted immediately, and when I look up, Harper is stood in the doorway with her hand over her mouth.
"It's not what it looks like." Joe says quickly.
"It's exactly what it looks like!" She shouts. "You're freaking KISSING YOUR EX."
"What's going on?!" Zoe pushes past Harper and stares at Joe. I stand up.
"We've been fine since you arrived and ruined EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING!" Harper screams, lunging towards me. Zoe pushes her away as gently as possible and drags her down the stairs.
"Oh, Eva, Eva, Eva," Joe puts his head in his hands. "What do I do now?"
"Joe, are you that blind?" Says a voice from behind me. I spin around and Alfie is stood in the doorway.
"What do you mean...?" Joe looks at his feet nervously.
"He means that she's an absolute bitch." I tell him.
"Something like that." Alfie stands next to me in the middle of the room and smiles.
"I guess. I just-"
"Don't make excuses. You need to sort out your priorities and-"
"Joe, you need to sort her out and get her away from my house before she breaks something valuable." Zoe interrupts me, walking into the room.
"Alright..." Joe gets up and slowly leaves the room.
There's lots of shouting, but soon the door slams and Joe walks back up the stairs. Alone.
"I'm so bad at break ups." Joe shakes his head, sitting on the bed.
"Don't worry, you did it! You got that attention seeking cow out of your life!" Zoe wraps her arms around Joe. Then, Alfie joins in, and soon the four of us are having a group hug, celebrating the fact that Jeva could still possibly work out.

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