Chapter Ten

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The next week goes by slower than anything I've ever known. I tell Luke everything. Of course, he already knows most of it. My family aren't too happy that I'm off again as soon as I get back, but it can't be helped.

I knock on the door.
"EVA!" Caspar comes to the door and invites me in. As soon as I put my suitcase down, he lifts me up and gives me a fireman's carry down the stairs. He then pushes open a door and puts me down on the bed. I sit up, brushing through my fringe with my hands and then I realise somebody is sat at the desk. I then realise that it's Joe.
"Have I missed you!?" He says, standing up. I stand up too and we hug.
"I've missed you so much!" I tell him.
"Me too!"
"I've made up the sofa bed for you, Eva." Says Caspar, interrupting our vlogging.
"Well-" I'm about to say something but Eva does instead.
"That's great, thanks Caspar." I'm not expecting that reaction, but I'm also not sure what else to do so I just stay quiet.
We've just finished making some videos when the doorbell rings.
"I'll get it." Joe says, running up the stairs. I can't quite make out the voices until they start walking down the stairs.
"Dan, Phil, this is Eva."
Is he joking? I get up to see and find that, no, he isn't, and yes, Dan Howell and Phil Lester are stood in front of me.
Then the doorbell goes again, and Joe goes to answer it. I'm just saying hi to Dan and Phil when someone else walks down the stairs, followed by three others. One is Joe.
"Louise?! Tanya?! Jim?!" I have no idea what to do or say so I just stand there, stunned.
"Aww," Tanya puts her arms around me. "Hi Eva."
"Hi Tan."
Everyone says hi to me and then Joe breaks the news.
"Eva, we're having a party tonight!"
"A party? Seriously?"
"Yeah, and I got you a little present to use." Joe hands me a little square parcel. I open it, and inside it is my very own vlogging camera.
"Oh my God Joe, I love you, I love you!" I hug him and he lifts me up.
I then turn around and realise everybody else is stood watching us awkwardly, so I start vlogging straight away to break the silence.
Caspar and Louise have set up a table of food; cakes and biscuits, (made by Tanya) chips, salad, macaroons and not forgetting lots of pizza.
The evening goes by fast. I vlogged so much, I probably filled up all the memory already.
They're all lovely people. Joe told Dan and Phil I was a fan of theirs so they gave me a signed "The cat whiskers come from within" t-shirt which was awesome. Tanya, Louise and I spent a lot of time chatting and Jim was easy to get along with, too. I couldn't believe how much my confidence had grown in these last couple of weeks being around these people. Life was perfect and I wanted it to stay that way.

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