Chapter Thirty

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"Oh no. Do you want me to turn it off? I didn't think, I should've asked you-" Zoë starts to say.
"No, it's fine. Thank you." I smile weakly at her. It's nice, but I'm too tired for arguments.
Then, the doorbell rings. I think nothing of it. Just another guest. But then a familiar voice shouts "Oh, hello! Mind if I come in?"
"Well, no, I don't know who you are!" Alfie says.
"Oh, Alfie, don't you remember me from Amity Fest?" I roll my eyes. Typical Charly.
"Sorry, Alfie, I'll take it from here," I rush over and smile at him. "This is my sister, by the way."
"Oh, nice to see you too, sister. I guess you were planning on staying with your friends again tonight? Bored of me already? After only eighteen years?!" She cackles that horrible laugh. I never really liked my sister, we agreed on some things but she was always better than me.
"Yes, I was planning on staying at Joe and Eva's again tonight. Now, what are you doing here?"
"Joe and Eva's? As in...Joe Sugg?" Her jaw drops and I nod proudly. "Whatever, I came to tell you that Dad has a new job, we're moving soon. Tomorrow, to be precise. Mum's in the car and she wants to talk to you, now."
Caspar is stood next to me. He must have heard everything. He grabs my hand tightly as I walk out to the car. My mum is stood outside of the car.
"Hello, darling." She says, wrapping her cardigan tighter around her.
"Hi, Mum. Is it true?"
"Yes. We're going to stay in our Cornwall house for six months whilst your dad sorts out some work stuff. You have to come, sweetie."
"No she doesn't." Caspar says. I look up at him and he squeezes my hand reassuringly.
"What are you talking about?" My mother says.
"Well, I've been looking for a flat mate for months now. I'd love to spend six months with my girl."
"Please, Mum." I look at her pleadingly.
"This isn't just a one night sleepover. What if you break up, or...or something like that."
"There's more chance of us breaking up if you whisk me off to Cornwall," I lean in closer to her and whisper. "And I think I've found the one." She loved love stories, and was obsessed with stuff like Twilight and If I Stay. This comment has to have won her over.
"Oh, darling, you're so young, though," she smiles sympathetically. "I'll talk to your father. Will you be coming home tonight?"
"Well, it's getting late and Eva and Joe only live down the road. You wouldn't mind, would you?"
"As long as you're happy," She turns around and gets in the car. "I'll ring you first thing tomorrow morning. Love you." Charly gets in next to her and glares at me.
"Thank you so much for suggesting that, Caspar. I'm not joking." I say, wrapping my arms around him. He hugs me too. I smile, as our lips touch. If my mum agrees, these next six months are going to be great...

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