Chapter Seven

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Zoe, Caspar and I are sat on the sofa watching TV when the door slams suddenly. We all get up to see what's going on.
Eva is running up the stairs. Not long after, there's another door slam from the spare bedroom. Then a pounding sound as Zoe tries to see what's wrong, and Joe's voice.
I go upstairs to see what's going on.
"Eva, let me in!" I say. I don't want to be mean, but something's wrong. "Alright, alright. As long as it's just you."
"It will be." Joe, Alfie and I exchange glances, and then the door opens and I slip in. Her cheeks are tear stained, her eyes even more green than usual.
"Right," I say, sitting down on the bed next to her. "You have to tell me what's going on right now. Where Marcus is, why you're back so early and why you're crying!"
"Well," she begins. "It was all going great. Marcus and I were joking around and I mentioned how cold my hands were, so he took one of my hands in both of his to see if I was joking or not. There was this big flash and he let go and there, there was this girl running away with a camera! It's going to look like we were holding hands and everyone's going to hate me!"
"Don't worry, okay, just..." I'm not really sure what to do. "Can Joe come in?" I ask instead. They still need to properly resolve this morning.
"Alright." I go and open the door, beckoning Joe inside.
"I'll go and call Marcus, you two need to talk about this morning." I say, and then leave.
Joe sits across from me, where Zoe just was.
"I'm so sorry about this morning." I say.
"I know you are. I've been thinking about it, and-" He stops, looking down at his hands which are clenched in his lap.
"And what?" I ask.
"And just this morning I didn't think I was ready. For people to start shipping Jeva and stuff," I'm not really sure what he's getting at at first. "I mean, I only met you yesterday. God, it's like that bit in Frozen 'you can't marry a man you just met'," he laughs, then turns to look at me. "I don't think I agree."
And then, just like that, he puts his hand under my chin and tips my face up towards his. I don't like eye contact, I'd usually break away, but this was different. He reaches out to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. Everything from the day so far is forgotten.
And then we are kissing.
I break away and look her in the eyes again.
"Was that too early?" I ask.
"Of course not," She hugs me and I hug her back. "But, is it too early to tell people?"
"Of course not." I reply, grinning at her.
"Let's go, then." She stands up, and holds out her hand for me. I take it, and we walk downstairs together.
Joe and I walk downstairs hand in hand. It's probably too fast, but if we want to go ahead with it then it's alright.
"Eva, I've spoken to Marcus, and he's explained everything to Niomi and put it out on his blog to ignore any photos that could be published as it's all a misunderstanding!" Zoë says quickly. She has her back to us as she washes up.
"Thank you so much." I tell her.
"No problem, what did Joe have to say?" She turns around, and sees Joe and I. "Oh, hi Joe."
"Hi Zoe!" He says, a little too enthusiastically. "We have something to tell you..."
"Yeah, we do." I smile.
"Go ahead..." Zoë looks puzzled as she takes off her washing up gloves and turns to face us properly.
"We're...we've..." I don't know how to put it.
"We kissed." Joe says, straight to the point.
"Wait, so Jeva is a thing now? Like Zalfie?"
"Kind of," I say. "It only happened just now. We thought we should have left it a bit, but why? We want to go ahead with it."
"If you say so," She smiles. "But here's a tip- don't let social media know just yet, alright."
"Alright." We agree, and then Joe suggests we make a video. Caspar and Alfie have gone round to see Marcus.
"I really want to let the world know!" I say to Joe.
"I know, I know." He replies putting his arm around me.
"This is so weird." I tell him.
"What is?"
"The fact that last month even meeting you was a distant dream. And now, we're like, you know."
"Does this make it even weirder?" He asks, and kisses me again. I let go for a few seconds and say. "Yes. But a good weird." And we kiss again. It's hard to believe that I was a fan of his for years, then I finally met him yesterday, this morning we were hardly talking and now we're kissing.
My thoughts are interrupted by somebody clearing their throat. Joe moves away and I turn around. Caspar is stood in the doorway.
"How's Marcus?" Joe asks, as if nothing's happened.
"He's fine. How are you?"
"Great." Joe says.
"I can see. You've made up then?"
"Yep. But we don't want anyone on social media to know just yet." I say, trying not to make it even more awkward.
"I'll leave you too it then." Caspar says, walking back into the kitchen.
"That was awkward." I whisper.
"Yeah, it was." Joe whispers back, and then we decide to spend the afternoon watching YouTube videos instead of making them.

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