Chapter Twelve

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I say goodbye to Caspar at the station and then get on my train at four pm.
It's hot and stuffy, although not many people are on it. A group of teenage girls are sitting across from me, all about fourteen, talking about a movie they must have just been to see. Luckily they don't ambush me.
Until about fifteen minutes before I'm due to get off, when one nudges the other and they approach me.
"Are you Joe Sugg?"
"I don't think he is."
"Yeah, that's Zoella's brother."
"I am." I say.
"Can I get your autograph?"
"Can I get a selfie?"
I take selfies with them and chat to them until it's time to get off, when they see Eva and do the same to her. I kiss her and give her a giant hug; they all get pictures of that too.
Eva takes me back to her house. It's an old cottage where she lives with her parents, next door to Luke. He comes over at about 6:30, after Eva has given me a house tour. We eat pizza and watch movies, film a few videos and I phone Caspar. He's also eating pizza, making videos and watching movies with Louise and Jim. Tanya's gone to watch her little brothers' school play, so she isn't there.
When Joe comes off the phone to Caspar, my phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number, but I still answer it.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hi! Is that Eva?" Says a high pitched American accent.
"It is. Who's speaking?" I stand up and walk into the kitchen as Joe and Luke have put on a loud action film.
"Why hello there, I'm Tyler Oakley."
"What the...seriously? How did you get hold of me?"
"Aw, Zoë gave me your number. I hope you're well. Anyway, I'm ringing to invite you to film a video with me?"
"Of course. But where? I don't think I can afford to come to America-" I say.
"No problem, I'm in the UK in around four weeks. I'll email you. Colleen Ballinger is coming too."
"The Colleen?! Miranda?!"
"The Colleen. Miranda."
"Thank you so much. I can't wait."
"Aw, okay then. Talk again soon."
"Definitely. Bye Tyler. Thanks again."
"No problem, byeeee."
"Who was that?" I ask Eva.
"Oh, just queen Tyler." She smirks.
"What? Seriously?"
"Yeah, Zoë gave him my number. He's coming to the UK with Colleen in a few weeks and wants to film a video."
"Wow, well done." I hug her and we carry on watching the film. Usually someone this new to the YouTube scene isn't sought after by people like Tyler and Colleen.
The film ends and we start to get ready for bed. Luckily Eva's sofa is very comfortable so I don't mind sleeping on it. Luke goes home at about eleven, and Eva goes upstairs not long after.
I wake up and look around. Eva is in the kitchen; I can hear her. Not long after she comes into the room carrying a tray.
"Mr Sugg, I believed it was my turn to make you breakfast in bed. Well, not technically bed, but-"
"It looks lovely, thank you." I tell her.
We go into the town and a few people stop us for photos. We go into Costa and then I take Eva into Superdrug and tell her I'll buy her anything she wants; she picks a little tub of blue eyeshadow.
"You don't have to do this. I have enough." She says.
"No, seriously. I've hardly got you anything since we met."
"Okay then, as long as I get to return the favour." She says, taking me into the nearest shop and making me choose something.
We sit on a bench and have lunch. She says something to me. I don't even remember what. I just remember looking up and staring into those big green eyes. All of my feelings changed, then. I just flicked my eyes down to my phone and made out I had a message from Caspar so I didn't have to pretend anymore.
"Did you have a nice day?" Mum asks when we walk through the door.
"Yes thanks." I tell her, hanging up my coat.
"I've made cake. Do you want a bit?"
"Well, we've only just eaten, maybe later?" I say.
"Yeah, that's fine," Mum says. "Are you going to make some videos now? Or chat to your friends? Because if not I was wondering if you-"
"Mrs G, I'm really sorry to interrupt, but would you mind if I spoke to Eva alone?" Joe says.
"That's absolutely fine, love." Mum says, going back to the kitchen.
Joe takes me upstairs to my room. I don't know what to expect, so I don't ask any questions.
He sits across from me on the bed. And then he tells me.

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