Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Dan?" Jack asks after we've ordered and Dan has finished exchanging usernames with the fan. Lillie elbows him, clearly not wanting to draw attention to herself.
"Oh, hey Jack." He says, then his eyes flicker to Lillie and back to Jack. (Unintentional rhyming)
"Jack Harries?! Lillie Sanderson?! Caspar Lee?!" Oh God. The girl knows who the rest of us are too.
"Yes. Ever so sorry, I've got to leave!" I say, pretending to check my phone and standing up.
"But we haven't eaten yet..." Jack says, looking confused.
"Yeah, sorry, Josie and I have somewhere we need to be," I smile. "Bye."
Josie follows me, and so does Joe.
"What are you playing at?!" Joe asks me when we get outside.
"I don't even know, Joe! It's just awkward being out for dinner with her. Because she's his and not mine anymore. And then Dan came along and that made it ten times worse because there's history between all of us. It's like a love square!" I whine.
"Oh..." Says a voice behind me. I turn around and Josie is stood about a meter away. Her lips and hair shine under the street lamp. "So you only invited me out tonight because of Lillie? Because you used to be with her. Because when you said the other night that we were a mistake, you meant it, because you can't get over her." She puts her hand to her face as it crumples up and she begins to cry.
"Josie, no, I-" I look to Joe and he shrugs, as if to say "you sort it out".
"I'm surprised you can remember my name!" It's not until I listen carefully I notice she talks with a faint Scottish accent. I run my hands through my hair, thinking of something to say that isn't a soppy excuse.
The restaurant is glass fronted and when I glance in I can see Lillie and Jack continuing with their meal. They haven't noticed us.
"Look, it was nice meeting you, Caspar. Thank you for taking me to this beautiful, posh, expensive restaurant with all these amazing, popular, friendly people. But I don't think we can work out. I like friends. I think we'd be better as friends." She smiles at me, wiping her eyes with the heel of her hands.
"Okay. I agree. Alright. I'm glad you understand. Do you want a ride home?" I walk closer to her.
"No, I'll get a bus. Don't worry about me..."
"It was a rhetorical question. I'm not going to leave you here, crying in the street. I'm giving you a lift." I say firmly.
"Okay." She sniffles as I put my arm around her and we walk to the car.
I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with Caspar two days later. I've got a day off, and Jack's coming over. I can't believe I'm still living at home, but then again, so is my sister and she's older than me. And she hasn't changed a bit.
"Jack, I just need you to help me with something if that's okay?" Charly asks when he walks in.
"Yeah, sure." He says, following her upstairs.
I go up to my room and open my laptop while I wait. I go on Twitter and see I have an unusual amount of notifications... : Jack Harries is seen out with a girl that isn't the full story here
I see the rest of the notifications are similar sites or replies. A weird feeling sweeps over me, and I feel the need to click the link. So I do.
YouTube star is seen out with another girl...
YouTube vlogger Jack Harries was seen out with his girlfriend's sister yesterday. This might not seem unusual, but it got suspicious when a fan got a picture of them holding hands...we aren't sure what's going on but we sure hope that this hasn't broken up one of the cutest relationships this year!
I scroll down towards the picture, unsure of what I'm about to see. A photograph appears of them holding hands.
It's nothing I tell myself this happened with Marcus and Eva. A huge misunderstanding. It's nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
I type a reply : It's not true. They were just Christmas shopping xx
But I want to question them anyway, so I stand up with my laptop under my arm and make my way towards Charly's room. There's a weird atmosphere. I can hear low mumbling and laughter. My heart starts to race and I can feel my hand shaking.
And then, when I open the door, my laptop slips to the ground and I find myself unable to move, breathless.

Jack and Charly are kissing. And it's not like the time with Caspar when he didn't have a choice. Jack seems fine with it. He's smiling.
The noise of the computer hitting the carpet breaks them apart. Charly smirks and I can see Jack searching for a million excuses that he can't find.
"Have you..." My mouth is completely dry and I'm struggling to talk. It's only when I start to that I realise I need to take a breath. "Have you got something to say?" I ask.

A/N Hello everyone! I was a little nervous to write this chapter because I really didn't want to make Jack the bad guy...but that's the only way the ending I have planned is going to work and sort itself out! No hate please :)
Also, I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a fabulous new year! Xx

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