Chapter Eleven

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I wake up with a start and look around. My head's spinning. I look to see where I am. I'm laying on the sofa bed. There's nobody next to me. I breathe a sigh of relief.
The flat is pretty tidy for what I remember of the previous night. I don't want to sound stupid and ask how it ended, so I look at the footage from it on my new camera.
Okay, I do remember most of it. Apart from that bit where Phil and I had a dance competition. I look like a right idiot. I don't think that will be uploaded, somehow.
I hear footsteps and put my camera down on the table next to me. Joe is walking up the stairs.
"Morning." I say to him, sitting up.
"Don't you mean afternoon?"
"You're joking?"
"No," he sits on the bottom of the bed. "I just checked my clock. It's half twelve."
"God. I was supposed to catch the train half an hour ago!"
"That's alright, do you have school tomorrow?"
"No, I don't have that many classes anymore because I've finished a lot of them."
"Then just stay an extra night. I'm not complaining." He shrugs and smiles.
"Alright then," I say, reaching for my phone. "I'll call my parents and let them know."
It just so happened that when I reached across for my phone, my Mum was calling me. I answered just in time.
Me: Hi Mum.
Mum: Hi Evie. Are you on the train?
Me: No, um I was about to ring you about that-
Mum: Where are you, then?
Me: Still at Joe's. He said I could stay another night.
Mum: Alright then. I've been trying to ring you all morning, because I've spoken to your father and he says it's fine-
Me: What's fine?
Mum: To invite this Joe over next weekend. He's got to be something special; we've hardly seen you!

I tell Joe and he thinks it's a great idea.
"What's a great idea?" Caspar says, walking up the stairs.
"I'm going to stay with Eva next weekend." Joe explains.
"Oh. Alright then."
"You're okay with that, aren't you mate?"
"Of course I am. I can stay with my one true love."
"Wait, what?" Joe and I say.
"Joe, I don't think the pizza delivery will stop just because you're out of town!" We all laugh and then the boys leave me alone to get changed.
The rest of the day is spent editing vlogs and resting from the night before.
When it's finally time for me to leave, I really don't want to. But then I remember I'm seeing Joe next week and I know it won't be that long before I see Caspar again.
Now I just have to get through the rest of this week.

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