Chapter Thirty One

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I wake up with a headache, but I don't feel ill. I feel like there's something good about to happen. My phone starts to ring. Caspar sits bolt upright next to me.
"Answer it, answer it!"
It's my mum. I pick it up.
"Lillie! Sweetie! I asked your father!"
"You did? What did he say?" I ask, fumbling around to switch it onto speaker phone.
"He said yes! I convinced him that it would be like work experience, in a way, so you can learn how to edit with one of Britian's biggest vlogging communities."
"Oh, Mum! You're the best! I love you so much!"
"No problem. I'll miss you, though. Come down on the train often and you can go back to the current house whenever you like. Come and pack up some stuff today, we'll be leaving at about four."
"Of course, I'll come as soon as possible."
I get out of bed and get into my clothes. They're starting to smell, so I need to go home.
"Where are you going?" Caspar asks.
"We're going to my house. To get some of my stuff, because I, Lillie Sanderson, am your new flat mate!"
"You..." Caspar's jaw drops as he jumps out of bed. "She said yes?! I can't believe it!" He grabs my waist and lifts me up, spinning around until we're too dizzy to do anything but laugh.
When we get to my house, my family are packing everything up for the removal van. My father hugs me and says how much he will miss me, my mother does the same, and my sister just mutters "see ya, bitch." When my parents can't hear.
"What did she say?" Caspar rages.
"Nothing, don't worry. I'm not going to see her for six months and if you cause a fuss they might rethink."
We get together a collection of things I might need and then say the proper goodbyes.
I didn't think I'd miss them too much, judging by the fact that considering my life at the moment they were mostly out of the picture. But when we arrived at Caspar's empty flat my heart sunk. I then remembered that I could go home whenever I wanted and get on a train to see them loads.
"Are you alright?" Caspar asks, giving me a puzzled look and I can't hold it anymore.
"No, not really." I suddenly start to cry and he gives me a big hug.
"Look, I'll put on some music. We can unpack. It's okay. It's alright." He strokes my hair and calms me down.

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