Chapter Twenty

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Once I'd run out of the room, it didn't take me long to find Lillie's bedroom. Pink door, butterflies, and maybe the giant sign reading "LILLIE" gave it away. An amazing singing voice is coming from inside...
I'm halfway through practising a new Taylor Swift song on my guitar when the door opens.
"Oh, hey Lillie. I hoped this was your room..." Says a very worried and scruffy looking Caspar.
"Are you alright?" I set my guitar down and go over to him.
"Yeah,, actually."
"Sit down," I tell him, pointing to my bed. "What's happened?"
"Your sister's crazy! She just tried to kiss me!" I blurt out.
"What the...seriously?" Lillie's almost screaming. "I'm going to kill her!"
"No, don't, I can sort it." I put my hand on her shoulder and she turns to face me. She looks so angry, but sad, let down. Like a girl who's friends have just ditched her to go somewhere that she'd like to. I pull her in towards me for a hug and rest my chin on the top of her head.
We get called for dinner not long after. Charly isn't there. She's supposedly not feeling well. I'm glad.
Lillie's parents ask me all sorts of questions. I tell them all about me. They're very nice people, not as snobby as I expected them to be.
Afterwards, we go upstairs.
"Hey, do you want to come to mine next Saturday? For, like, a movie night?" Caspar asks. It takes me a second to make up my mind.
"Of course I would!" I smile up at him. I don't feel as awkward as I did last time, so I stand up on tiptoes and kiss him lightly. He kisses me back, which is a good sign, I guess?
I think I've guessed correctly...

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