Chapter Twenty Two

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"I wish I could see you more." I whisper into my phone. It's eleven pm. I'm talking to Caspar, four days after the movie night.
"Me too. You can come and see me whenever you like." He says.
"I guess. How about this weekend?"
"Of course, if that's okay with you and your family."
"Yeah, it should be." I smile. Time with Caspar was way more exciting than boring family days out at the museum.
"Where are you going?" Mum asks as I slip on my coat.
"Oh, you don't mind if I go and see Caspar, do you?"
"Of course I do. We're visiting Aunt Gertrude and cousin Prudence today!" Uh oh. The dreaded days. My aunt Gertrude was some fancy counsellor specialising in marriage (which is funny because her's didn't last long...) and she also liked to look down on people. She and her daughter, my cousin Prudence, lived in a big house like ours. Prudence was 14, three years younger than me. She specialised in showing off her dance and gymnastics skills to everyone, whether we cared or not. To my aunt, she was an angel. To my sister and I, she was the devil.
"Oh," I hardly ever argue with my mother, but it looks like today I might have too. "Well, I've organised it now. I must have forgotten to ask you."
"You're not going, young lady."
"Yes. I am."
"No, you're not. You can't get out of this one, miss."
"I think you'll find I can. Sorry." And then, I march out of the front door and begin my journey to Caspar's.
I'm walking with my head down, watching my red sparkly Converse-left, right, left, right, left, right, left-
"Woah, watch it!" Says a boy as I walk right into him.
"I-I-I uh, I'm sorry." I look up at him. He has lovely brown eyes and swept over brown hair. He's also got his hands on my shoulders.
"Okay. No biggie." He lets go of my shoulders.
"Well, I-"
"I'm Dan, by the way."
"Oh, I'm Lillie."
"Well, Lillie, I'm pleased to meet you."
"You too, Dan..."
There's an awkward silence.
"Are you busy? Because I'd love to take you for coffee...?" He says nervously.
"That..." Come on Lillie. What do you say? "That sounds absolutely wonderful. Yes, I'd love to!" I'd completely forgotten about where I'm going and why...
It's not until I'm sat in the vintage tea shop down the road when I remember Caspar.

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