Announcement :)

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Okay, so I know I said the last chapter wouldn't be the last but truth is I've thought about it and I'm going to have to end it somewhere...I'm going to write one more end-off chapter and then I think that will be it. To be fair it was only supposed to be fifteen chapters long and it's ended up being 40 😂 I'm not complaining, it's been so fun to write and I have saved the last three chapters which are now deleted. Maybe they'll be useful in the future...? 😏 in the meantime, I do have lots of other fanfiction ideas just waiting to be published so keep a look out! Thank you all so much for the almost 2K reads that are on here, I can't quite believe it!!!
So after the next chapter (or maybe two, hmm) I will most probably change the status to "completed"...
Again I can't believe how far this story has come in just a few months. Thank you all xxx

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