Chapter Thirty Seven

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I go over to Joe's and Eva's out picking Bree up from school.
"So, we need to call her and you need to tell her that you made the mistake and you'd like to take her out again." Joe says.
"Alright." I say, nervously, trying to find the number. I do, and my finger hovers above it.
"Go on, click on it." He says.
"Okay, okay." I say, selecting her number and calling it.
"Hello? Who's this?" Says a girl.
"It's Caspar...from the other night."
"Oh, the runaway," she mutters, and then to someone in the background: "Yes, two seconds I just have to take this call."
"Yeah, urm, I'm sorry about that and the text."
"Hmm, okay. What do you want?"
"I'd like to see you again. To take you out, on Saturday maybe?"
"Yeah, I'm free."
"Josie! Hurry up!" Someone shouts.
"I'm coming, I'm coming! What were you saying? Sorry I'm at work." She says.
"I'll pick you up from your house at six?" I offer, biting my lip.
"Aww, thank you. I'll see you then." And then she hangs up.
"Urm, I think that went okay." I say to Joe.
"Good. This time, don't run off." He laughs. I can't promise anything. I don't even know what she looks like.
I pull up at her house and take a deep breath, before knocking on the door. The music that was playing inside stops and the door opens. In front of me, there's a girl wearing a red polka dot dress with a white strap in the middle. She's got bright red lips and short, curled, brown hair.
"Hi, are you Caspar?"
"Yes. Hello Josie," I smile. "I'm sorry about last week."
"Get over it." She laughs, grabbing her bag and joining me on the doorstep before locking the door.
"Oh, I've kind of organised a double date with my friend Jack. Do you mind? I hope you don't." I say quickly. I need to shut up, I think.
"Of course I don't. Last week was so fun and I'm sure tonight will be too." She smiles as we get in the car. She looks like Frankie from The Saturdays.
We get to the restaurant and Lillie and Jack are there already. I'm really not sure about him.
"Oh, hey Caspar." Lillie says when we sit down.
"Hi. This is Josie." I point at her.
"Hi." Josie reaches across the table to shake Lillie's hand.
"I thought you said her name was-" Lillie starts.
"Nickname." I mumble quickly.
"So, how did you two meet?" Jack asks.
"Uh, well, urm-"
"At this club down the road, last Friday. It's lovely. Caspar and I danced, like, all night." I add her to my mental list of people-to-thank-when-they-know-the-full-story.
"Yeah, we did." I smile as if I remember every bit. I'm interrupted by my phone going off. I glance at my pocket. I have a text from Joe reading look over into the right corner xx
What is he on about? I try not to seem rude as I reply; what? I think you might have sent this to the wrong person mate?! Xx
He replies instantly; no, I haven't. Just look up! Xx
As I do, I see someone in the corner on their phone.
Joe, what are you playing at?! X I text him. He replies almost instantly again;
Making sure you don't mess everything up. Carry on with your meal and text me if you need assistance 😂 xx
Lillie, Josie and Jack are in deep conversation. I'm trying to listen to it when a black figure brushes past our table. Lillie catches their eye and then looks quickly down at her lap, as if she never saw a thing. I'm wondering who it could be when-
"OH MY GOD!" A girl screams from the other side of the restaurant. I spin around and she's running over to the person, her bright blue dip dyed hair flying behind her as she knocks over some glasses and sends them crashing to the ground.
"WATCH IT!" The waiter calls, but he can't stop her because she's tugging at the person's sleeve (who I now see is a man) and ignoring everybody else.
"Dan!" She says breathlessly. "Is it...? Are you...? I've been waiting so long to meet you! I'm your biggest fan, I...can we...can I have a picture with you?!"
"Yeah, urm..." He takes her phone from her and flips it to front face camera. Then I see that my expectations have been confirmed. My phone buzzes again, and when I see who it's from, it's Joe again;
Well, tonight just got a whole lot more exciting...x

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