Chapter Three

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After many sleepless nights and fangirl moments, I arrive.
Luke didn't mind that he couldn't come. He said maybe I should see what they're like and he'll get round to meeting them someday.
I get off my train and walk to the address Zoë gave me. There are a lot of people around and I stand out with my blue hoody and black jeans, pulling along my bright green and pink flowery suitcase.
The house is beautiful. It's small and cute and I'm almost sick when I reach out to knock on the door.
But I'm not. Thank God.
Zoë opens the door. She's wearing a black dress with a white collar and a black hair ribbon.
"Zoë?" I ask, though I know it's her.
"Eva?" She pulls me into a hug and she smells like the Zoella Beauty perfume Luke had bought me for my last birthday.
"I can't believe I'm actually here!" I say. The house is amazing. That's the only word I can think of. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.
"Let's get you unpacked." She leads me upstairs. The room is amazing, too. Very Zoella. Alfie is finishing making the bed when I walk in.
"Are you Eva?" he asks.
"Yeah. Hi Alfie." He hugs me, just like Zoë did.
"This is your room. You're staying until Sunday, right?" Alfie asks.
"Right." I say, and then Zoë and I start to unpack.
"Marcus and Niomi are coming over later, is that okay?" She asks.
"That's absolutely fine. I'd love to meet them!"
"Good. They've heard a lot about you too." She smiles as we finish up. I haven't really bought that much stuff with me, so it hasn't taken long. I go to walk out of the door, but Zoë stops me.
"Just a minute, I've just got to go and check something." She rushes downstairs without another word, and I hear a lot of gasping and then what sounds like "Sshhhh". I hope they're okay.
About five minutes later, Zoë skips back up the stairs.
"You can come down now if you like, Eva."
"I'd love to." I say, a little too eagerly, following her downstairs.
"I have someone I'd like you to meet."
"Oh, right now? Niomi and Marcus are here already? I didn't hear them."
"Mmm." Zoë just mumbles, not properly answering. Should I be worried? I hadn't met her before. Was it safe to enter a strangers home like this?
Of course it was. I was in Zalfie's house!
I remembered then to switch off my Fangirl brain immediately. I was no longer a fan, I was Zoë and Alfie's friend. They'd invited me to their home, so it was my job not to be a nuisance.
Their lounge is very modern with a corned sofa and a 50 inch TV on the wall. The dining room is pretty open, not far from the stairs.
"So, we organised something for you, as our new friend." Zoë snaps me out of my daydream, and when I turn around, Zoë and Alfie are stood either side of a cardboard Joe Sugg cutout, just like the one that was named "FlatcherJoe" at Amity Fest when he had a stomach bug and couldn't make it.
"Well, that's something." I laugh, putting my head in my hands. I can't believe Zoë actually took notice of how much of a fan I was of Joe's.
I take a step towards it, and it starts to wobble. I stop, and it falls over completely at my feet, revealing somebody crouched behind it.
"Hi Eva." He gives me a little wave, his brown eyes looking me up and down.
I have to take a double take. If I'm seeing right, that means...

That means Joe Sugg is sat a metre away from me...

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