Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Oh, I don't want to go back to my brother. He's so boring..." Stephanie sighs and looks at her hands, which are clenched in her lap. Eva doesn't like her. Caspar doesn't like her. I can tell. I don't like her either. She's an attention seeker; I should know, I live with one.
"Oh, well I'd love to have you stay but our friends are actually sleeping in the spare room tonight. Ever so sorry." Eva gestures towards us and gives us a look as if to say go along with it and pretend you are so I can get her out of here!
"Yes, we are. I'm really sorry," I shrug and smile as politely as I can. "We've come all the way from-"
"From London!" Caspar must have guessed I was having difficulty thinking of a believable place.
"You're welcome another time, though." Joe says.
"I'm sure I am!" She stands up, fakes a smile, grabs her bag and storms out. "See you Joe!"
"Oh. My. God." I gasp.
"I wasn't expecting her to be different. So bitchy."
"People change." Eva smiles at him sympathetically.
"Would it be a problem if we stayed the night? I mean, Lillie doesn't have to..."
"Caspar, do you really need to ask? This is like your second home!" Joe says.
"Aww thanks." Caspar picks up the nearest cushion and chucks it across the room at Joe.
"Lillie can stay if she wants." Joe says.
"Actually, I'd love to," I say. I'm surprised how I can talk so freely with these people. "I need to get away."
After ringing my parents, Eva takes me upstairs to she and Joe's room.
"Oh no, I just thought, I only have the stuff in my bag with me! I can't-"
"This is why I bought you up here. To choose some pyjamas and stuff."
"Oh, Eva, thank you!" I say, hugging her.
"No problem," She walks over to a drawer and rifles through it, pulling out some cute pug pyjamas. Then, she takes me into the spare room.
"Oh, bless him, Caspar always leaves the room so tidy." Eva says when she turns on the light.
Then it dawns on me.
"Wait, Caspar's staying in here too?" I say before I can stop myself. Eva puts her hands on my shoulders.
"It'll be okay. Trust me." She says, and then leads me into the bathroom.
"Have a nice bath. Relax."
There's a shelf full of bubble bars, soaps, bath bombs and probably the rest of Lush.
"Eva, could you...could I...would you mind if I..." I gesture to the shelf.
"Help yourself." She says, and then turns around to light some candles on the windowsill.
"Thank you!" I say, once I've picked out a purple bath bomb.
"Enjoy!" She says before leaving the room.
My skin is so smooth once I get out and I smell amazing. I climb into the pyjamas Eva lent me, and walk downstairs.
"Nice bath?" Eva asks.
"Lovely, thank you." I go to sit next to Caspar and he puts his arm around me.
"Wow, you smell amazing," he says. "And what's with those fab pyjamas?!"
"Well, they're Eva's, but they are pretty fab, I guess." I place my head on his shoulder. It doesn't feel awkward, it feels normal.
When we go up to bed, I'm a little nervous, but I shouldn't be. I brush my teeth and go into the spare room. Caspar has just walked in. He puts his hand on my back and I put my arms around his neck. I stand on tiptoe and kiss him goodnight.
I get into the bed when Caspar goes out to use the bathroom, and pick up a book from the bedside table; Love, Rosie. I've seen the film, but the book looked better. I'd just never gotten around to reading it.
Caspar lies down next to me.
"Night, Lillie." He says.
"Night, Caspar." I say, going back to my book. Not long after I look to my left and he's fast asleep already.

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