Chapter Twenty Nine

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I get a text from Zoë. I can hardly believe it; Zoella got my number!
Hi Lillie, it's Zoë. Eva gave me your number (hope you don't mind?!) as I was wondering if you wanted to come to a dinner party that Alfie and I are hosting tonight? Do bring Caspar. Also, just an advance warning, there will be quite a few people there :)xx
I quickly type a reply:
Hi, Zoë! I'd love to come, thank you :) see you then xx
"Aww, Caspar, you can come out with us to couples events now!" Eva says as she puts on her shoes. She and Joe have been invited, too.
"Hmm. But do I have to wear a suit every time?" Caspar asks, looking at his tie with disapprove. We all laugh and head out.
There are quite a few cars outside Zoe's house and when we walk in I can see what she meant. There are a lot of familiar faces from the wedding when we walk inside and I instantly spot Gabby, checking her phone in the corner. I wave at her when she looks up and she comes over.
We're just chatting when Zoë comes up behind Caspar and I. She's with Louise, who we sat with at the wedding. Louise is holding a little girl's hand.
"Caspy!" Louise cries, putting her free arm around Caspar. It's only then that I realise we're still holding hands.
"Hi, Lillie! How are you?" Louise asks, and we start to talk. Halfway through, Caspar lets go of my hand.
"Where's Caspar gone?" I say a little too quickly. I'm going to sound really controlling if I don't shut up. "I mean-"
"I've got a good feeling Darcy's dragged him off to play." Zoë laughs, looking around. I follow her gaze and see Caspar sat with Darcy, holding a Cinderella Barbie. I look around; there's a lot of YouTubers, but thankfully Dan is nowhere to be seen.
There's a knock on the door just before we sit down to eat and when Alfie opens it, I'm not expecting who's there. Technically, I see the hair first. Bright blue and fabulous.
"Why hello there everybody!"
"TYLER!" Zoe shouts, running over to hug him. He walks in, and I see the man who I was obsessed with for nearly two years back in school. Not long after he's walked in, we all sit down for dinner. Zoë has written little name cards and they've set up a long table. It looks beautiful. I'm sat between Gabby and Caspar, across from Louise and Tyler. I'm trying to keep my Fangirl brain separate from my real brain tonight. Tanya, Jim, Marcus and Niomi are also there, I just haven't had time to talk to them yet.
I notice Caspar has glitter all over his nose when he turns to face me.
"Caspar," I say, trying my best not to laugh. "You've, urm..." I point to my own nose.
Tyler starts to laugh across from me, and then so do I.
"What? What is it?" Caspar says in a concerned voice, and then he realises. We all fall about laughing.
When we're eating, everybody starts to have their separate conversations.
"Did you have fun with Darcy?" I ask him, then add quietly. "I saw you with that Barbie."
"Haha, yeah, she's sweet."
When we've finished eating, we all go back to 'mingling' or whatever you want to call it. Caspar and I are talking to Tyler when there's a tugging on my dress. I turn around, and Darcy is stood behind me.
"Hello, Darcy." I say.
"Hello. Are you Caspar's girlfriend?" She giggles.
"Yep." Caspar says, and then Louise appears behind her.
"Come on, missy, time for bed!" She picks Darcy up.
"Oh, Mummy, do I have to?" She asks, giving Louise big puppy dog eyes. "I'm not tired at all." And then she yawns.
"Yes, Darcy, it's very late. But don't worry, you'll see Lillie again." Louise smiles at us and walks away.
Not long after, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I whirl around and Alfie is holding his camera.
"And here's Lillie and Caspar and Tyler!" He turns the camera on us and we wave. Suddenly, there's a crackling sound from the speakers, and I hear a voice. It's my own. It's me singing.
"We kind of have a special guest..." Zoë says. "She's here with us tonight, but we knew she'd be too shy to sing live..."
I feel my cheeks burning. I want to cry. She should have really asked me. I mean, it's nice, but...
"Is this you?" Tyler asks. I nod a tiny bit. "Darling, why are you so embarrassed? You're freaking amazing!"
"You're just saying that because I'm singing Taylor Swift." I smirk, a little happier to find that my long time queen just complimented my singing.
"Hey, don't worry, everyone loves it." Caspar wraps his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. It's nice to know he's there.

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