Chapter Four

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"Wait, what?"
"Joe had a free week, that's why we got you to come."
My mouth is hanging open unattractively and I realise I'm staring at Joe very rudely. I shut it immediately and shift my eyes away. He gets up and comes over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I'm trying not to cry. I'm in shock. I don't know what to do.
"I hear you're a fan."
"Indeed I am." I give myself a mental pat on the back for being able to string a sentence together at such a time.
Then the doorbell goes. Joe let's go of me and runs to answer it, so he's clearly expecting someone. It may even be Marcus and Niomi. The nerves are going to get worse if it is.
"Hey, bro!" Joe says.
Then I know.
A tall blonde boy walks in. I know exactly who he is. He walks over to me and shakes my hand.
"Hi, my name is Caspar Lee and I have been very excited to meet you, Miss Eva." He hugs me, too.
"Hi Caspar! I didn't know you were coming."
"Oh yes. You think I'd miss out on a trip to Brighton?"
"Well..." I laugh.
"Alright, Caspar. Stop flirting." Alfie says, making us all laugh. I've only met these people properly today, and they're all so easy to get on with.
"Who, wants to watch a movie?" Zoë asks.
"Hey, I haven't unpacked yet!" Caspar protests.
"Oh, alright then, Joe will show you to your room, he already unpacked this morning." Zoë says.
"I know where to go, I crash here all the time." Caspar looks confused.
"Eva's staying in the spare room, Caspar, so you and Joe are staying up in the loft." Explains Zoë.
"The loft?" Caspar questions.
"Yeah, it's got beds and everything. And it's not full of boxes, don't worry." Alfie says walking into the lounge.
"Alright then." Caspar mutters, following Joe upstairs while Zoë, Alfie and I make our way through to the living room.
"Eva, as our guest, you can pick the DVD." Zoë says, following me over to the DVD cabinet as Alfie throws himself down on the sofa.
I scan the collection and pick out the first familiar one I see. Frozen.
It was very surreal being in a new persons house, even more so a celebrity, and even though they only said goodbye to me a few hours ago, I was missing my closest friends and my family. Luke's younger sister and I almost always watched Frozen when we weren't busy.
"Good choice." Zoe says, slotting it into the DVD player. We both go and join Alfie on the sofa.
Caspar and Joe come down when Elsa is being crowned queen.
"That didn't take long." Zoe says.
"Nah, Caspar couldn't be bothered to unpack a lot of it." Joe comes and sits next to me and my whole body tenses. I try to shake it off and ignore it.
"Hey, don't make me sound lazy. Budge up." Caspar moans, and Joe moves closer to me.
I start to feel more relaxed as the movie goes on, and after long I don't feel homesick at all. Joe's arm is draped across the bit of sofa behind me. I glance over at Zoe and she has her head on Alfie's shoulder and he has his arm around her. It's very cute.
The film ends and Zoe gets up to turn the DVD player off. Caspar and Joe start play fighting and Alfie gets his phone out. It's kind of awkward so I lean back on the sofa and check my phone, too. I have loads of messages from Luke:
Are you there yet?
Is it a nice house?
Are they nice people?
Are you alright?
Sorry to annoy you.
Are you having a nice time?
Facetime me as soon as you can, okay?
I just text back:
Yes it's fine. Everything's fine. I'm fine. Stop worrying, I'm having a great time. I'll try to Facetime tonight. Bye x
"What's for dinner?" Caspar asks.
"It's only just gone lunch time and Caspar wants more food!" Alfie says. I look over and find he's vlogging.
"We're having take away pizza when Marcus and Niomi get here." Zoe says.
"PIZZA!" Caspar shouts.
"I want to introduce you to a special guest, everyone! She's here to stay with me and Zoe for a week, so expect lots of new videos feauturing her! It's Eva!" He faces the camera on me and I wave shyly. "Oh, and Joe's here too." I look behind me and Joe is giving the camera a thumbs up.
We spend the rest of the afternoon playing games, chatting, vlogging and tweeting, until the doorbell rings. Zoe looks out of the window and then shouts "COME IN!"
The door opens.
"Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllloooooo." He says.
"Hi." Says another voice.
"MARKY!" Caspar jumps up and runs to hug him. I peer around the doorway and see a very familiar couple.
"Hey Marcus." Joe says from next to me, waving.
"Hey Joe, I didn't know you were coming!" Marcus makes his way into the living room and I feel the nerves come back. What if they dont like me?
"Zoe wanted me to come and meet Eva." He points at me.
"Oh, hey Eva! You're Zoe's new friend?" Marcus asks.
"Yep. How are you?" I ask.
"I'm fine. Niomi and I have been out for lunch today with her parents and went for a walk along the beach."
"We watched Frozen." Joe says, and Marcus laughs. Niomi walks in, followed by Zoe.
"Niomi, this is Eva." Zoe says. I stand up to hug her or something and she kisses me lightly on both cheeks.
"Hi Eva. Nice to meet you."
"Can we order pizza now they're here?" Caspar pops his head round the door and we all laugh. Niomi ruffles Caspar's hair.
"If you could last another hour that would be great because I want to make a video with Eva," Zoe says. "Actually, all of you. Come upstairs and I'll tell you all about it."
We go up to my room and Zoe explains how she wants each of them to film a bit of a video with me and then she'll edit it all together.
"I'll go first!" Joe says, surprisingly. "I'll do a prank calls video."
"Sounds good." Zoe says. She's set up the camera facing the bed and there's room for everyone else to sit and watch what's going on behind.
"Who shall we call?" He asks when we're in position.
" about Jim?"
"Jim it is. Although what if he guesses?"
"Louise!" I say.
"That's a plan."
Zoe mimes 3,2,1 on her fingers and then clicks record.

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