Chapter Eight

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"Joe! Joe you have to let me FaceTime Tanya!" Eva says.
"I don't have to do anything." I say.
"But I really want to talk to her! And Zoe told her about me, didn't she?"
"I did." Zoe says from behind us, dropping me in it. We're sat in the kitchen after finishing dinner. It's Friday, one of Eva's last days. The week had been fun. None of our fans knew yet. We were still waiting for the perfect moment.
"I'll give you her email address. Then you can get to know each other."
"Alright." She says, and we leave it at that. That's one thing I love about Eva, she doesn't carry something on and pry for information.
"Eva, would you mind if I spoke to Joe privately for a minute?" Zoe asks.
"Yeah, that's fine. I need to start getting my stuff together." She says, hugging me and walking upstairs.
"Joe, listen," Zoe says, when Eva's door has closed. "You should have really taken her on a date first. Before kissing her."
"Zoe!" I protest. "I thought about it, but there was no point because we're staying in the same house!"
"I know, I know. That's why Alfie and I have booked a table for you at that nice restaurant by the beach. Tomorrow night."
"Oh my God," I laugh. "That's the cringiest thing ever."
"Trust me," Zoe hands me an envelope with Eva written on the envelope. "She'll love it."
I'm just taking my best dress off of its hanger when there's a knock on my door.
"Come in."
It's Joe. He's holding an envelope.
"What's that?" I ask.
"Well, Zoe gave it to me to give to you." He says sheepishly, handing it to me.
"She did?" I lay my dress down on the bed and then go to sit on the other side and open it.
Eva sits on the bed and opens the envelope. Why didn't I ask Zoe what was in it before I gave it to her? It's probably something really embarrassing.
She's reading it. I don't want to be awkward and look over her shoulder, so I just linger in the doorway. That's probably worse, actually.
"Oh Joe!" She gasps. "That's so lovely!"
"What is? I mean, yeah, I can't wait." I stutter.
"Zoe organised this without you, didn't she?" Eva smiles slyly.
"Maybe." I admit.
"Basically you've just invited me to dinner at a really posh restaurant tomorrow night at seven."
"Sounds good. You might want to hang this back up." I pick up the dress she was about to put in her suitcase. It's red, coming in at the waist and then spreading back out in pleats at the bottom.
She just smiles at me. And I smile back.
I straighten Joe's tie for him whilst we wait for Eva.
"Zoe, I'm twenty three. I can look after myself."
"I know, I know." I don't want to make him feel bad by mentioning the fact that Eva is five years younger than him, so I leave it.
Joe and I arrive at the restaurant. It feels too formal. Getting all dressed up when we've eaten dinner together for the past seven nights. This is much nicer though; we have a table right next to the window, looking out over the sea front.
"I really don't want to leave tomorrow." I say.
"I don't want you too, either. You'll have to come and see me and Caspar up in London."
"Maybe I will."
"Look, I really, really-" But I don't get to hear what he says next because he stops. There's another flash and I see the girl with the camera again, the other side of the glass, walking away calmly.

A/N Thank you all for reading! (This isn't the end, don't worry.) Don't expect a double update every day, I just couldn't wait to publish these last few chapters! I hope your enjoying it and it's not too cringey 😂

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