Chapter Sixteen

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I lock the door and turn around, walking up the path to meet Eva at the end of it. She's staring up at the house.
"I remember the first day I came here," She says. "I can't believe it was two years ago."
"Neither can I." I tell her. We're going to the premier of the last ever Divergent film.
When we arrive we meet up with everyone; Marcus, Niomi, Tanya, Jim, Zoe, Alfie and Caspar.
I start to follow everyone into the cinema, but Zoe stops me.
"No, Eva. It's the stars first, wait out here with us."
I follow her over to Joe. Our friends are crowding around in a circle, and I spot Jim inviting fans to see. What's going on? I push through the sea of people to see what's going on, and-
And Joe is tying his shoelace?
What's the big fuss?
Then, he looks up at me with those brown eyes, just like he did that first day 30 months ago, and something clicks. He pulls something out of his pocket, and then...
I watch as Joe gets the box out of his pocket. He'd consulted us to help him organise everything. I knew what was about to happen. Jeva was becoming official. I was proud of Joe. Us YouTuber's were like a little family, and Joe's like another brother to me.
"Eva, do you want to marry me?" Joe says, laughing nervously a little.
I know the classic "hand over mouth and gasp like I didn't know it was coming" ritual. I had promised myself a long time ago I'd try not to do that if someone proposed to me. The thing is, I wasn't actually expecting it. We'd never talked about a wedding or even a future together, life had just seemed to sort itself out step by step.
"Yes," I say, trying not to cry. "Yes, yes, yes of course!"

A/N I was planning on ending this at Chapter Fifteen, but I've had so much positive feedback I just couldn't, so I twisted the original ending to make it longer (this isn't the end).
I meant to say in the last chapter that Harper wasn't based on any YouTuber/person I know/any other celebrity. She was completely made up!
Thank you and I hope you're all enjoying it! X

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