Chapter Twenty One

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I reach out to ring the doorbell. I've been here before. I've been worrying about the awkwardness there might be as last time there were four other boys there.
It'll be fine. It's just a movie night...
I'd told my parents that I was staying with my friend Josie incase I got back suspiciously late.
"Lillie!" Caspar flings open the door and wraps his arms around me, before inviting me in.
"I've missed you." I laugh, putting my bag down.
"I've missed you too! I mean, talking in person." We walk into the living room. It's really nice; there's two big brown sofas facing the TV and a white coffee table infront.
We get loads of blankets and popcorn, then put on a film; High School Musical. Caspar knows all of the songs. So do I, actually...
It's almost seven when the film ends, so Caspar orders pizza. We watch Pitch Perfect and then Hairspray. By this time it's nearly half past ten. We select one more film for the evening-Enchanted. It seems to me that whenever I'm with Caspar I stay up way later than usual!
We're just getting to the part when Giselle and the little girl go shopping when-

The next thing I remember is waking up.
I'm lying on the sofa, wrapped up in fluffy blankets. The TV is turned off, and Caspar is asleep on the other sofa.
I check my phone.
Caspar: Wake me up when you see this lol xxx
He's attached a picture of me asleep. I laugh, and then throw a cushion at him. He wakes up and rubs his eyes.
"Good morning, Caspar." I smirk.
"Good morning, Lillie." He says, trying to copy my mildly posh accent. We both start laughing.
This is probably the best weekend of my life so far...!

A/N I had lots to publish so that's why I've done a TRIPLE UPDATE (feel privileged aha). I hope you're all enjoying this story. There will be more ASAP ☺️

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