Coffee Shop AU

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I haven't seen this yet and want to make it.

Yes I'm writing ComVex fluff. No you can't stop me. Minor Grumbo and Rendoc.

Slow days were the worst days. Standing at the counter with barley anyone in the shop was horrible. Well that's what Scar thought.

He worked at this small coffee shop near the collage called 'Hermit Hideaway Coffee' it was in that perfect spot of some students but not to close to get crowded.

The only other two people was Ren and Grian who were in the back. So that stuck Scar at front. The only person in the shop was a short student in a blue hoodie with its hood pulled over her head, typing away at a sticker covered computer.

It was the morning so most people were in their lessons. But Scar has afternoon classes so he was stuck here until his shift ended. Luckily he had finished the art project so he didn't need to worry.

The bell above the door dinged and Scar looked up from his drawing pad. Three people walked in.

"Hey Scar!" Mumbo grinned and walked up to the counter with Doc and another person walked up to counter. The girl in the corner glanced up quickly them went back to typing.

Mumbo was one of the taller students who always wore a suit. Clean and with not a single wrinkle or stain. Black standing out against his very pale skin. A simple red tie. You'd never guess he was dating the short gremlin if the school would you?

Doc was taller than Mumbo by a few inches. He wore a black wrestling shirt with a white lab coat that had the sleeves ripped of and the bottom ripped. Wearing black sweatpants and running sneakers.

The final student was one Scar didn't recognise. A few inches shorter than Mumbo with near black hair. A black pristine lab coat and light blue sweatshirt underneath. He wore simple darker (almost black) pants.

Scar almost stared before looking back at the other two and giving a smile.

"Good morning welcome to Hermit Hideaway Coffee! What would you like?" He wouldn't be so formal with his friends but he wasn't risking his job.

Doc smiles and leaned on the counter and looked up. He put a finger to his lip as Mumbo and the other person also looked at the menu.

"Is Grian and Ren I'm back?" Doc finally asked and Scar gave him a deadpan loom before turning around and yelling-

"GRIAN, REN YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE HERE!" A loud snicker could be hear from the girl in the corner and Mumbo's face went red.

Grian and Ren came out and a small chat started with the four. Mumbo and Grian hugged as if they hadn't seen each other for years.

Scar looked over the black haired bit and grinned at him.

"You have to tag along with the lovebirds to?" It a sarcastic remark but the person nodded as he stared at the two couples with a thoughtful expression. Scar nudged him slightly and he turned to face the shorter student.

"The names Scar Goodtimes. Art and theatre major." He stuck his hand out and the other took it.

"Cub Fan. Business and Finances major." They shook hands and Scar felt his face heat up a tiny bit when they lingered a bit.

Soon Grian and Rens Shifts ended and the group left Scar to work alone in the shop. Soon Stress, False and Joe would take over so he just had to wait.

Cub had given him his phone number and looking at it made Scar blush for some reason.

"Someone's got a crush." Teased the freshman girl who had hopped yo to the front with a black bag thrown over her shoulder. Scar glared at her shortly but all she gave was a tired grin.

"Well, cya tomorrow!" The bell wrung and the girl was gone.

And like that the shop was quiet once again.

So, why has no one told me there's a full on Civil War going on? Not like I'm getting involved I'm just wondering what's happening.

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