Home for Monsters AU

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Just a tiny AU I made. Not everyone is in this I'm rushing this out quickly so I'll do a Demons part when I can finish it!

- The Home (as it is called) is a safe place for hybrids and monsters. Owned and run by TFC and his great, great grandson Joe Hills.

- TFC is immortal and Joe is half Sphinx. No human can enter unless they pass a really hard riddle.

- It's basically a massive mansion where everyone has a room and there are special rooms for certain situation. In case someone getting sick or losing control over their magic or hybrid side.

- On to the files of each person living here!

Name: Xisuma Void
Age: 19
Magic (optional): Void magic, Admin magic.
Likes: Working, friends, feeling safe, purple or black coloured food but will eat anything.
Dislikes: When his brother is mad, when someone gets hurt, Jellie
What to do if they lose control: Put him in the safe room, give him black or purple food (grapes or the best option, leave him in their for a bit.

Name: Exy Void
Age: 19
Magic (optional): Void magic, nether magic, some admin powers
Likes: Anyone in his group, being left alone, Jellie
Dislikes: His brother, anyone being mean to someone in his group, Doc
What to do if they lose control: Lock him in the basement safe room with NPG or by himself if it's worse than normal. Leave for a few hours then check on him.

Name: Grian ____
Age: 14
Magic (optional): Watcher magic, unknown powers
Likes: Chickens, cats, pickles, singing, acting
Dislikes: Bunnies, most things pink, talking about his past
What to do if they lose control: Give him some books and toys and leave him in his room for the day, out good in quickly and close four afterwards. Keep other kids quiet

Name: Mumbo Jumbo
Age: 15
Magic (optional): Control redstone outputs by being near them
Likes: Redstone, Architechs, TV, filming, cats
Dislikes: loud noises, losing control, explosions
What to do if they lose control: Put him in one of the rooms without ANY electricity or electronics.

Name: Iskall _____
Age: 16
Magic (optional): Non, raised as an assassin and was the best, saved and us recovering
Likes: Iskallium, meatballs, cats, Architechs, cold
Dislikes: Diorite, Jellie, ConVex
What to do if they lose control: Put him in his room, windows are impossible to break and so is he door.

Name: Stress Monster
Age: 14
Magic (optional): Ice magic
Likes: Cold,
Dislikes: Warm
What to do if they lose control: Freezer room, she won't freeze so it's fine.

Name: Doc M77
Age: 18
Magic (optional): Creeper-human hybrid
Likes: Redstone, protecting his friends, Jellie
Dislikes: When his friends are hurt, when Home is in danger, sudden loud noises
What to do if they lose control: Take all the breakable things out his room and put him in their for a few hours

Name: Ren Dog
Age: 17
Magic (optional): Werewolf, always has ears and tail but on full moon will transform fully.
Likes: Meat, dogs, wolves, his 'pack' (friends),  protecting his pack
Dislikes: When his pack is threatened, cats, Jellie, loud noises, fireworks
What to do if they lose control: on full moons put him in the basement or reenforced shed until the morning.

How do I deal with people calling my friend (who is a trans girl-to-boy) 'she' when he is uncomfortable? It's really annoying and making him upset.

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