Gang AU

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Me, half asleep and reading a gang au BNHA fic: what if I did this with hermitcraft?

And that's the thought process for nearly all my stories! There is a bit of shipping but it's mostly implied.

The quietness was unbearable sometimes, but for Doc right now the silence that settled over the dark alley was comforting.

The only light was of that of street lamps far ahead of the cyborg as he lay on the ground, trying to think what to do. The moon above shown in all its glory and the ground below the creeper cyborg was stained red and the puddle grew from the large gun wound.

Things blurred but Doc heard footsteps and two voices whispering.

"What should we do?"
"Take him."


Hospitals made Doc sick sometimes. But there was no way this place was a hospital. The room looked high tech yes, but it wasn't sterile like hospitals could feel like.

He was wearing a hospital gown with red stains around the patched up and wrapped in bandages wound shot wound. Who ever had taken him wanted him alive.

The door creeped open and Docs attention snapped to it. His shoulders tensed and he subconsciously got ready for a fight. But in the doorway appeared someone he didn't expect.

"...Doc?" Xisuma, leader of the Hermits and notorious for being stone cold to his rivals, and Docs childhood best friend stood in the doorway.

The gang leader ran up and hugged his friend tightly and Doc returned the hug.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Doc finally got out after thinking about what to say. The two hugged until a voice interrupted.

"Xisuma I know you missed your friend but please, his wound isn't fully healed and Joe will kill you if those stitches come undone." Doc looked up and eyes the man stood in the doorway.

He was short with messy blonde hair and purple eyes. Wearing a large red sweater and black pants and looking bored at the duo. But this facade fell as a large grin spread across his face. He leaned against the doorframe.

"My names Grian! Oh, Xisuma Scars looking for you and won't stop talking to Biffa who looks ready to stab him but Wels and Jevin are holding him back, literally. But Scar isn't stopping and I'm pretty sure Iskall is tempted to stab him as well."

The names flew over Docs head as he stared confused at Grian. Xisuma just sighed and stalked Doc as he slowly stood up. He sighed and thanked Grian before the two quickly left. Leaving Doc alone again.

No idea where to go from here. Hope you all enjoyed bye.

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