Superhero AU

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I'll get to the second part of Hermits performing Hamilton but just let me do this please.

Includes shipping but it's nearly all implied-

The train pulled out the station as Doc watches the rain splash the window. Next to him sat Ren who was texting Iskall about their plans. Doc leaned down slightly to say in a low voice,

"Aren't we doing patrol tonight?" The hybrid glanced up and smiled.

"Yep! That's what me and Iskall are planning-" the two hybrids were cut of by Rens phone ringing. The caller is showed 'Scarizard' and Doc stifled a laugh at the name.

Ren glared at him jokingly before answering and putting the phone to his ear.

"Hey Scar-yeah me and Doc are on the train. No we haven't seen the news..? What's wrong? Don't leave me hanging are you ok-" Rens eyes widen and he holds the phone away from his ear as a loud bang is heard on Scars end and Doc winced.

The train pulled into a stop and the two grab their things and jump out into the station. Towards a tv where a large crowd was watching silently.

"This just in! Minecraftia High has been attacked by super villain Salmon Ghost! Heroes Vex and Jangler are already on the case but from what we have seen, both are out the count!"

Whispers start all around the dou and dine made Docs blood boil.

'Those two are just support right?' 'No, Vex usually goes alone while Jangler plays support a lot!' 'If Vex goes alone why can't he take down Salmon Ghost?' 'Maybe because SG has some sort of device? I don't know but I hope more heroes show up soon!'

The two quickly leave and realise the time to get to school would be shorter if they transformed.

"Let's get out here and dunk into an alley way and transform then head to the school."


The Salmon Ghost looked down at the hero at their feet. Completely passed out was Jangler. Their face covered by a white mask with a smile and a jesters hat covering neat brown hair. A heaters outfit had cuts and the villain laughed.

He looked over at Vex. The hero had a blue mask with a white smile and white slits for eyes. A completely blue ghostly outfit and a ghostly iron sword. The hero that was trapped under a fallen rubble as fire licked the curtains of the auditorium.

"Well, well, well, two heroes trapped under my control? What could I expect from a loner and support working together?" He grinned and leaned down to pick up the small hero.

Only to find a metal caw had grabbed him. SG was thrown back the Doctor and Wolf- two more heroes.

"Touch my friends and I'll rip your arm off. Wolf get Vex and Jangler our If here while the others get here." The rough voice of Doctor filled the quiet air and Wolf transformed to pick the bean of Vex, who moved to pick up Jangler. That quickly left to find other people trapped in the school.

Salmon Ghost glared at Doctor and hissed out-

"You ruined my fun, now I'll make you pay!"


'With many minor injuries and with one hero knocked out, Salmon Ghost, one of the 'Prankster' Villains, managed to escape after destroying Minecraftia High! But with barley any pedestrian injuries we thank the Hermits for saving the day-'

"Turn that rubbish off! They tell shot about us then compliment us!" Grian complains annoyed at the news and online forums he was reading out loud.

Scar moved over to turn the tv off but winced and looked at his bandaged side. Mumbo moved and switched the tv to the CBBC as Wolfblood started.

"They don't even mention that we keep getting injured for this city!" Grian complied and drank a bit of coke from his can. Xisuma sighed and put his head in his arms

"They're the news G. They can't be bothered with the facts. We save the city but if we don't take down the villain we're monsters. It's simply what we have to deal with as heroes." The leader simply mumbled and buried his head in his arms again. To tired to deal with people.

Iskall walked in with new bandages and patted Xisumas head as he passed him. He walked over to the couch where Scar and Mumbo sat. Scar moved to let Iskall sit next to him and lifted his shirt up a bit, to the bandaged claw wound.

Iskall carefully unwrapped it and looked at the claw wound-

"Hey, I think your sides getting better Scar! Give a few more days of rest and you'll be back to nearly fully healed!" Iskall slung a arm around the other shoulder and Mumbo moved up a bit more.

Iskall reapplies the clean bandages and stood up. He moved over to Grian as Grian set down his coke and the swede quickly grabbed it and ran out the room as Grian yelled after him.

Xisuma looked up at the only two in the room and smiled kindly at the two.

A alarm cut through the house and everyone jumped. Xisuma sighed and waved a hand at the two at the couch as he got up and stretched.

"No need for you two to come along. You two stay and rest since you both need it."

Time to deal with another day of hero work.

Happy new year y'all. Next chapter will be next decade

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