Fight Back (Part 3)

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So PM is back and I don't know how to react but I've managed to make a truce and she's now here in the dream realm with me. She's been staring at the Christmas tree for half an hour now not moving, should I be worried?

Zed paced back and forth angrily as the grass around him became shriller and dead. Tango was sat down on a bench and looking just as worried.

"I'm going to kill those idiots and steal their souls if they hurt him." Zed muttered and the demons eyes snapped up. He got up and carefully moved towards the angry Hermit.

"It doesn't make sense, Tango! As you and Mumbo told me they were after us magic hermits! Why take someone with no magic? It makes no sense? Did they sense the tie we three have?" Tango shushed the short Brit by hugging him closely and they both slowly sink to the ground.

"Zedaph Ender, you are the embodiment of Death and heir to the throne of the End and you are fretting over the human we have a deal with? Impy is stronger than you think! How else would he have survived living with us two fighting all the tine when in the underworld?"

It was true, Zed and Tango fought all the time when they all lived in the underworld they fought all the time. Impulse was just there to make sure neither died or seriously got injured.

"I know he's strong! It's just that Sam took you down so easy! You lot had magic or were hybrids so you guys were strong but he took down all off you after he DIED! And then when we got there we found you and the others passed out and Impulse gone!"

Tango remembered waking up, first awake and Cub there. He explained what had happened and it took everything for Tango to not snapped. How dare they take someone he cared about! But he had to make sure Zed didn't murder someone.

Anyway, Impulse was strong. He could handle wherever he was right!

~~~POV Change!~~~

The cage was cold and probably damp. That's why Impulse was uncomfortable. Not the massive stab wound in his stomach that was one patched so he didn't die. He wouldn't respawn here anyway so they didn't want him to die.

He sat weakly against the bars and felt dizzy. He wanted to sleep but then all he'd do is be left without defenders and anything could happen while he slept. But it was weighing heavy on him and Impulse just wanted to sleep.

Why had they took him? Well, simply they wanted a hostage. Someone who couldn't fight them, someone who had connections to the others. Who else to take but someone who has tied to a demon and the Death/Heir to the Throne of the End?

He weakly put his arm round his stomach and felt the blandly wrapped bandages. Talking faded into the background as sleep over took him. He didn't care what happened anymore.

Z: *walks up to PM and taps her shoulder* You ok?

Puppet Master:*demonic cat screeching*

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