New World (Part 2)

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Everything hurt. Even moving hurt. Breathing felt like a massive chore. Scar hurt everywhere as he sat up in the fluffy bed. It was so warm and the mattress and pillows were very soft. Maybe they weren't. But anything was better than the cold stone floor.

He looked at the IV thing in his arm and looked out the window. He had woken up a few days ago feeling worse than now and Cub was there. Including a strange man wearing a helmet. Cub hugged him and Scar cried. The man introduced himself.

The Hermits they called themselves. Can either this world and found Cub and he joined them and a few moths later Scar appeared. Apparently Scar has been asleep for a few weeks am recovering and not even helping potions or their healers -Joe. They called him Joe Hills- pups heal his injuries so now he was stuck in a hospital room.

He was forced to wear a breathing bf mask at first but now was just stuck with a weird tube to help him breathe.

Apparently he was very close to death and Xisuma -the helmet man and admin- said to those injuries Scar would of killed him permanently.

Those words could of permanently killed him, and probably Cub. Because Cub looked very pale.

He had met the others as they visited and they were all really nice. Scar tried to be nice back but being around people he had never met was hard on the builder.

He had constant nightmares and woke up screaming or being shaken awake by Cub or another hermit called Doc, a crazy scientist man with a robot arm and half his face was robotic.

He was scared of Doc at first, looking to much like a creeper mob hybrid back at Scar was. But the creeper cyborg helped a lot and slowly Scar trusted him.

A lot of things reminded Scar of the place he was stuck, a lot of the hybrids did so they visited less.

But he was just happy to be away.


Scar ran down the stone path holding a shulker box and laughed as Bdubs ran after him yelling about booshes.

"YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME!" The green eyed hermit laughed and Bdubs tackled Scar to the ground. Scar coughed at the impact but Bdubs just grabbed Scar to make the hermit trapped. The shulker box scattered to the side.

Scar laughed and pushed the talker hermits off him and wheezed before sitting up. Bdubs laughed and loudly exclaimed his victory.

"FOR MY AMAZING VICTORY I WILL NOW CLAIM THE LEAVES!" Bdubs boasted and screamed when he was tackled by Scar who laughed loudly. Bdubs easily pushed him off but was laughing to hard to get up.

"NO! THEY ARE MINE NOW!" Scar yelled and got up hastily, he threw his arms around to balance himself. Bdubs moves closer a bit to catch the other of he fell but Scar managed to stay standing.

He grabbed the shulker box, or would of when someone else picked it up. Scar pouted at Cub who was smiling at him. Cub lifted the box of leaves above his head and Scar glared at him jokingly.

He tried to grab them but Cub held them higher just to tease him. Bdubs laughed loudly and Scar sulked a bit.

"You guys are just mean!"

Laughed filled the cavern and Xisuma smiled, he was looking for Cub for work and found the hermit with Scar and Bdubs all having fun.

Such a difference from the two hermits they used to be, from being quiet and shaky to two members of the group who were loud and happy.

They really left their past and moved on. And Xisuma was proud.

I wanna make this angst-*gets shot* I ONLY THOUGHT THAT HAPPENED ON DISCORD!

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