Witch AU

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I just wanted to make Impulse angst not gonna lie.

Impulse seemed to be one of the humans on hermitcraft. He wasn't a demon like Tango or the ender-thing Zed was. He was just a normal player with no magic.

Well, he could have secrets right?

You see, Impulse wasn't a normal player at all. Farthest thing from it really. He was a witch.

Don't ask but his dad was a normal human and his mum was a witch. He ended up with magic powers either way. He never used them in fear of what the others would say.

Stupid right? A server with hybrids, like creepers, zombies and the like. With two who even sold their souls and a Watcher. Lets not forget a void walker. So what was the deal with a witch?

"Not being rude or anything, but I wouldn't be friends with a witch." That. That was why.

The amount of self control he needed to not yell at them all was unbelievable. What ifs fulled his head.

What if they found out? What if they found Ent? What if he lost control over his magic?

"CaLm DoWn YoU iDiOt, ThEy WoN't FiNd OuT." Ent floated next to the redstoner and crossed their arms. Ent was a simple shadow, with glowing yellow eyes.

Ent was a familiar. Impulse summoned them a while ago and they just never left. No one could see the showdown figure since they hid in Impulses shadow when others were around.

"I'm just worried ok. Can you fault me for that." He said and messed with the redstone a tiny bit before standing back up. Ent moved back, towering over the hermit they moved to grab a shimmer box with one of their six arms when-

"IMPULSE GET BACK!" Tango, the resident demon, yelled and pushed Impulse behind him. The witch hit the ground and knocked his head on the table.

"SuMmOnEr!" Ent screeched loudly and their voice got distorted. It moved through the shadows to stand behind a Impulse, who was using the table to get back on his feet.

"Tango why'd you throw me into the table like that?" Impulse rubbed his head and Tango glared at Ent.

"Impulse get away from that thing! It's a wi-"

"A witches summon, yeah I should know!" Welp, no backing down now he guessed.

Tangos Wong's flared slightly an she glared at Ent, who halted back with glowing yellow eyes.

"Ent, no attacking Tango. Tango, no attacking Ent." Ent growler bit the claws (where did they come from?) slowly shrunk and Ent dispersed into the shadows and Impulse shadow returned.

"Y-your a wit-"

"Don't, say it. Please." Impulse looked Tango in the eyes and his tone showed how much he wanted this as a secret.

"How long?" Tango moved and sat on the range with Impulse, all trace of fear or worry gone.

"Ever so de I was born. Hod it well enough until you walked in and saw Ent."

"Who's Ent? That big shadowy thing?"

"Yep, they are my familiar. They just don't leave."

"They?" Instead of worry, Tango was genuinely curious and Impulse slowly dropped his protective spell a bit. Tango sucked ina breath ya the sudden not-human feel around Impulse.

"I called them he first few times and almost got thrown off a cliff. Just call them Ent now, short for Entity but they don't like that."

"Thrown off a cliff?"

"Not the first time, Ent likes throwing people."

Hey y'all! Ok I'm sorry I've been so inactive rn but I just need to say something quick. So recently I've been doing a lot of stuff inside and outside school and Cadets. I am also starting the DofE for Cadets (Duke of Edinburgh, outside and active stuff) bronze. So for a while I'll be really on and off because of this so I just wanted to say now.

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