Monster AU Shorts

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Just small shorts about the monster au. And by short I mean 50-100 words each.

I'm debating calling it Creaturecraft because like, names.

Frozen In Time

In the middle of the ice biome, stood a statue. It was a short girl, any other features were impossible to see apart from her waving frozen cloths and the expression of shock forever stuck.

She had a arm raised in defence and the other around her stomach. Bits of snow stuck to her wild hair.

She stayed like that for many years. Frozen in time as the world went on around her.




"Zed calm down!" Impulse threw a pillow at the vampire. Zed growled lowly, all humour gone as the glowing red eyes turned to slits.

"Where's Tango when you need him?" Impulse thought bitterly as he back up away from the vampire.

Suddenly Zed moved at inhuman speed towards the human. To Impulse everything suddenly felt heavy and he was tired, he swayed slightly and used the wall to support himself.

A sharp pain in the neck and Impulse was out like a light.

The Hermits Mess With Xisuma

Being the admin to a group of creatures was difficult. But Xisuma, a void monster, took it with stride.

"SHISHWAMMY! HELP BUBBLES IS TRYING TO GET CUB TO DRINK HIS BLOOD!" Keralis yelled and ran straight into Doc, who jokingly elbowed the alien.

"KERALIS STOP SCREAMING!" Cleo screamed and Joe floated next to her laughing.

"NEVER!" The two started yelling and Bdubs poked his head in.


Xisuma sighed, wishing he didn't need to wear the helmet so he could cover his ears.

But, though he would never admit it, he wouldn't change a thing about this.

Flower Are Weird

Scar sneezed, again. The flowers all around Area 77 were causing his allergies to go off. He instinctively covered his mouth slightly then yelled.

"DOC! COME HERE THEY'VE DONE IT AGAIN-" Scar was cut off by another sneeze and Doc came out one of the hangers.

"I'll get on it in a bit! Just come inside and you'll stop sneezing so much." Doc finally got over to the siren and tugged his arm slightly. Scar was stuck in place looking at a rose in front of him.

He leaned down and quickly grabbed the flower, hissing at the thorns but picked it up regardless.

"Can I eat these?" Scar asked, tilting his head.

"No stop acting like you've never seen flowers before." Doc grabbed the rise and dropped it and Scar laughed loudly behind him.

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