New World (Part 1)

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Nothing to put here.

Xisuma laughed as the other hermits laughed and cheered. In front of them stood a portal to the new world.

"GET READY EVERYONE!" He yelled and everyone was happy. Sure leaving the season would be sad but they had three new members.

"Three!" Everyone got ready to go into a new season.

"TWO!" Xisuma saw something flicker in the portal. A simple blue particle floated from the top to the ground.


Xisuma has no time to react as everyone ran through the portal. The sickening feeling of a new world nearly made the admin throw up.

Everyone fell over in a pile and Xisuma looked around the world.

A messa, done trees here and there dead bushes and two houses and a player-

Wait, houses and a player?

Cleo got up quickly and helped Joe up and they rushed ahead to the player. Mumbo helped Iskall and Ren up as they rushed over to.

Xisuma ran to keep up and the others followed. Cleo and Joe were fussing over the player and the admin got a good look at the passed out man.

He was bald with a long grey beard. He was dressed as a scientist but what stood out was the brown and bloodied scarf clinched tightly in his hands. The white coat he wore was stained with blood and cuts, scratches and bruises covered his face and arms. Probably everywhere else.

"Excuse me sir are you ok?" Cleo yelled at the scientist dressed man. Xisuma would have face palmed if not for his helmet.

"Of course he's not ok! Joe heal him!" Xisuma quickly slipped into his leadership role. Joe got to work and a golden glow slowly swallowed the hermits hands and the man.

"Biffa, Jevin and Wels!" The three snapped their attention to the admin.

"Get wood quickly and wool, this man needs help." The three ran off making jokes to lighten the mood and the others got to work collecting wood.

"We will use those houses for now." The two nodded and Doc moved to pick the player up.

~~Time Skip of Doom~~

Cub sighed and shifted the chest in his arms. He looked around the empty base, the base Scar had worked so hard on.

"That's great Scar."


The new Hermit shook his head to get rid of the memories. He moved the scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and sighed.

"Hey Cub!" Tango slung a arm around Cubs shoulder and the scientist nearly dropped his chest in shock.

"Hey Tango."

"Stuck in your memories again?" The demon asked jokingly but a underline of concern was evident.

Cub stayed silent as he walked down path with the empt chest in his arms. Tango followed closely behind talking about random things.

"Where's Scar?" Cub day up and rubbed his head. He looked at the man across the room from him. Wild brown hair, a pair of glasses and a plain blue shirt with a simple @ symbol.

"Oh your awake." The man sighed in relief and moved over to Cub. The scientist moved away and the man looked at him with concern.

"Where's Scar?" He repeated and the man gave him a confused look.

"Who's Scar? We only going you here."

"-ub CUB!" Tango yelled and the hermit dropped his chest. A sudden burning pain made it feel like Cubs skull was being split in half.

He dropped to the floor holding his head and Tango yelled in shock, trying to catch the fallen hermit but jumping back at the burning blue light.

"cUb Do NoT fOrgEt Us So EaSiLy!" A distorted voice filled Cubs head a familiar one. Cub cried out in pain and faintly voices yelled about something Cub couldn't decipher because the pain burnt.

"Cub, calm down." Joe's voice vit out the noise and his Ganges glowed a soft gold. The voices faded and the burning stopped. Distant voices from far away filled the silence.

"Come on we found something." Joe and Tango helped him up and they walked to the big group of panicking hermits. They seemed to of firmed a circle around something and the three pushed past everyone to see.

Cubs heart felt like it stopped for a few seconds as he saw the curled up form of the player.

A torn up brown coat covered in blood. Messy brown hair covering a bruised and cut face. The player looked calm if it wasn't for Cub knew what happened to them. A hat was clutched closely to their chest and Cub could barley get out as he tried not to cry.


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