Blind (Part 2)

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I wanted to make a part 2 ok.

Takes place a few weeks after the last chapter.

Scar held the sword tightly and listened carefully around him. Shapes blurred together in a blob of colour around him meaning he had to rely on his other sense.

Like how he heard the fast steps behind him. He swing around and held the sword up to protect himself as he heard cheering somewhere close by.

He could practically see Iskalls smirk as he quickly struck again and once again Scar blocked.

This continued as Iskall pushed Scar back, the blind hermit using past knowledge and sound to know what Iskall was doing.

Until he tripped over a large rock and slammed into the sand floor. He heard the sword scatter to the side as Iskall held a hand out, waiting for him to take it.

But Scar just stared up at the massive blue blue above him. They heard the laughing of the others and Xisuma announcing Iskall had won and he'd be going against Doc next.

"Scar buddy you in there?" Iskall leaned forward and grabbed Scars arm as the hermit looked just above Iskalls head confused.

"Did I fall?" He questioned as Iskall helped him up.

"Yep. Doesn't matter your getting better at fighting." The other hermit complimented as he helped his friend back to the others. Scar let Iskall guide him and felt someone else grab his other arm.

"Who knee all it took for me to be able to fight was losing my sight." Scar mumbled and he heard Grian laugh next to him.

"So in 3rd place we have Scar! Next fighting for 1st ppaxecis Iskall and Doc!" Scar sat down in between Cub and Mumbo. How could he tell? Mumbo was doing something with redstone next to him he could hear clearly. And Cub was talking to him.

"Damn everyone else must of sucked to lose against someone who can't actually see them." Cub joked and from behind him Cleo laughed and jokingly punched his shoulder.

"Do you know how easy it is is to use the 'helpless blind person' act?" Scar said and looked at the direction he thought Cub was.

"That's Mumbo. I'm over here." Cub said and people around them laughed as Scar looked the over way.

"DOC YOU CHEATER NO TRIDENTS!" Iskall yelled as a trident was misfired and landed in the group of hermits. Scar looked around when Stress and Grian yelled and he felt someone fall into his back.

"Grian get off!" Scar jokingly shoved Grian off his back and the other laughed.


~~Time Skip~~

Nearly everyone agreed to sharing a base this season. Probably because how Season 6 had ended...

Everyone got their own bit they could expand and build what they want it.

Cub and Scar we're sharing their bit. No one was shocked as the got the top floor.

But what annoyed Scar about sharing a base, was how everyone treated him. Yes he couldn't see properly anymore but that doesn't mean he couldn't function like a human.

Like how yesterday he walked into the kitchen area where he heard talking and as soon as he walked in everyone went quiet. That freaked him out even more if they had continued.

Everyone was treating him like glass. He could see why but when it happened everyday it just irked him.

At least Cub didn't really do that. Their friendship had barley changed, hell they decided to just keep ConCorp going in Season 7. Just to spite the vex.

Right now, was hide and seek.

Scar his on the cupboard and listened carefully to the rushing footsteps just outside.

He heard Mumbo and Iskall talking outside as they went past talking about who was left.

'Either scare them or possibly win..? Isn't really a choice is it?"

Mumbo jumped when he heard he loud slam then thud behind the two seekers and he whirled around.

Scar had face-plated onto the red carpet he looked in their general direction (looking past both of them) and grinned as he slowly got up.

Iskall laughed and Mumbo chuckled as Scar grinned at them.

"I won because I scared you!" He announced happily and Iskall lost it more laughing.

I want to say something but I'm so tired and sick I can't think of something.

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