Tag thingy

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I was tagged by the amazing Ash_InTheFlames  and must do this! I did bits if embellishments on what the question things were so... I'm sorry.

1. If you could, which three Hermits would you meet irl?
I'd say all of 'em but I can't sooo, Doc, Scar and Grian

2. What would be your dream scenario to meet one or more of the Hermits?
I'll be honest, in any situation I'll be to anxious to say anything and would probably have a panic attack. But otherwise I'd say in a situation where I wouldn't feel bad for talking to them if that makes sense. Like not when I'm out and about on my normally daily routine.

3. Favourite demise death so far?
Xisuma. The 'I trusted you' was heartbreaking and hilarious. More of the fact WHY DID XISUMA DO IT? REN IS DEAD AND IS MAKING TRAPS AND AT THE TIME REN WAS DEAD WHILE XISUMA WAS ALIVE!

4. Jellie, Maui or Pearl
All. Cats are cute.

5. Hermits you watch?
Scar, Grian, Cub, Doc, Mumbo, Stress, Joe, Cleo, Iskall and Keralis. I want to watch more but I don't think I can actually keep up.

6. Favourite hermit alter ego?
Ariana Griande is Renbob

7. Favourite hermit to write?

8. Favourite event in season 6?
Civil war

9. Favourite song?

10. Favourite hermit?
Everyone. Even if I don't watch 'em.

I'm ill. Here I'm tagging one person.


Hapy this is what you get for starting a bloody head hunt.

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