Colour Of Their Blood AU

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I'm gonna start calling this CoTB from now one because that title is to long. I FINALLY FINISHED THE PROLOGUE OF IT! THIS WILL BE A SEPARATE BOOK!

Requests shall be done soon after this.

Kids all sat on the rug silently watching the newcomer who sat in front of them, eyes wide staring at the strange girl sat in the seat their teacher would sit. In her lap sat a large plain black book, no words showing the story.

"Now kids, this lady had been nice enough from the library to come tell us a story. Please listen quietly and raise your hands to ask questions." Their teacher simply informed the small children and took a seat at the back and started marking work.

"Hello, simply call me Miss I'm from the library in town- the one with lots of people working in it. Here is a simple story about how people dived all worked together to show the world they were strong."

Nobody spoke as she opened the book, showing pages written in neat handwriting.

"Now be quiet as I tell you a tale of a kingdom far away from us that was called The Isle of Rainbows-" giggles rang out from kids and Miss sighed slightly.

"Shush. I know it's a strange name but I promise it's important. Now in this land everyone was dived, not by their skin tones or accents- no their blood. You see here people were born with different blood colours. Our story starts in a stunning castle built out of pearl like stone if white...

Xisuma walked down the corridors, his white suit and pearl crown showed he was the heir. Servants bowed silently before continuing with their duties. Soon the heir came to a large brown door. His fathers, the king, study.

"Father." He said simply and walked in. The king looked up from his papers and smiled kindly at his son.

"Yes, Xisuma?" His voice demanded attention from anyone.

"Since I will be crowned king next month I have decided my first royal decree I shall pass for one I am king."

"What is it son?"

"I shall make my court up of people of every blood colour, the beet they have to offer. And they shall be brought to the palace tomorrow."


The trees rushed past the train as Doc watched them bored out of his mind. In front of him Mumbo fiddled with a tiny metal device. Next to Mumbo sat Cub who was reading a book about something. On Docs other side was Impulse who had fallen asleep. They sat around a table on the fast train with people of other colour of blood.

They were supposed to be the next council apparently and didn't get a say in it.

Across from the table were three much quieter people. Their table has a green strip on it showing that it was them the train had picked up.

The one sat next to the window was petting a small grey and white cat that slept calmly on his lap. The other two sat on the other side. The one across from him was a werewolf hybrid who was tapping a beat in the table as his tail swayed to the beat he was making. Finally the one sat near the isle was a creeper hybrid who was sleeping calmly.

"GRIAN I SWEAR TO GOD!" A loud voice and suddenly Mumbo was thrown out his chair as he was thrown back by a force of a short boy who now latched onto the taller yellow blood.

"BDUBS DON'T KILL ME I'M SORRY!" He cried and rolled off Mumbo. A red streak of blood ran down his cheek from a small cut and Bdubs jumped forward towards Grian and swung a small blade while grinning.

"YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE GRIAN!" He laughed maniacally as he pinned Grian down, the yelling waking the other creeper hybrid up.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Doc yelled and stood up, Lightning sparking around him. Everyone shut up and a loud hiss was heard. Before Doc knew it the small cat from the green blood lap was running at him and slashed his leg.

Before Doc could retaliate against the small cat, the presumed owner ran forward and scooped the small cat up, who continued to hiss at Doc but snuggled to her owner.

"Jellie you silly cat. I'm sorry about her she gets startled easily." He apologised before turning around and sitting back where he was sat before. The Werewolf leaned over and the two started a quiet conversation as mouse filled the carriage once again.

Somehow Impulse stayed asleep during all of it and Cub helped Mumbo back into his chair before going back to reading.

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