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I'm sorry.

Takes place in the future, start of season 7 where the hermits all love in a woodland mansion for a tiny bit.

He felt empty. The harsh whispers of the vex were gone. The spark of magic coursing through him was gone. The magic he had grown so used to was gone.

But for Cub, he didn't mind much. It was better than being puppets to the vex. At least he and Scar got out safe, but not unharmed.

He grabbed the bowl of soup and walked through the mansion. Cub was going to visit Scar, who was bed-bound for the time being ever since they got through the portal.

'Why couldn't we choose anywhere else? I know Grian and Xisuma got rid of the vex magic here but...'

Everyone was scarred from the fight with the vex. Cub had gotten numerous scars across his arms, chests and neck. Luckily he was healed properly and was able to fully heal and all he got out of it was a few scars.

But Scar wasn't as lucky. To much vex magic and well... he was the only one who was still healing.

"I'm here!" Cub announced and opened the wooden door. The bedroom was simple. A orange carpet, as well as a orange bed. On the bed sat Scar, wearing a simple white shirt and shorts, bandages covering his arms, legs and neck. He was staring out the window.

Scar looked to Cubs general direction. No matter how many times he saw it he'd never get used to Scars unfocused look.

"Hey Cub!" Even if he couldn't see Cub, Scar was happy to now his friend was there. Everything was so incredibly blurry and fuzzy he was grateful it was no longer the suffocating blackness he was trapped with a few weeks ago.

"Brought you food!" He heard Cub announce and the floorboards creaked as Cub wales over. Scar could see a very blurry shape of white, knowing it was Cubs lab coat.

Cub sat down at the edge of the bed and gently grabbed Scars hand and helped guide his friends hand to the bowl. Scar took the bowl gently and placed it on his lap. He looked down, squinting trying to find the spoon.

"Cub help. Please." Cub chuckled and passed Scar a spoon. The two laughed and sat in silence for a little bit.

Cub looked out the big window and saw large mountains in the far distance. He smiled and Scar quietly ate next to him.

"Cub, will I get my sight back soon?" Cub flinched at the question. Scar asked every day. Until this morning no one knew but Grian finally got the answer.

"I'm sorry Scar. It'll get a bit better but, it's permanent." Cub gently said as Scar shakily places the empty bowl on the night stand. Nearly dropping it on the carpet.

"Oh..." Was all Scar said and Cub gave him a slightly strained smile.

"It won't be as bad as this but it won't be better. And since it magic damage... glasses won't help."

Cub didn't know what reaction he expected but he couldn't help tending up as Scar hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for putting everyone through that Cub. That was all my fault." Scar rambled and Cub hugged his best friend tightly.

"It isn't. It was the vex. We'd never blame you. We all are recovering together and everyone will be there to help you."

They stayed like that as time passed around them.

~~Time Skip~~


Xisuma and Doc looked up as Scar and Cub fell down the stairs of the woodland mansion.

"I FOUND THE STAIRS!" Cub lost it laughing as Scar looked in the direction of Xisuma and Doc, not directly looking at either but he smiled non the less.

"Hey guys! I found the stairs!"

I have no clue what I write but I just wanted to write evil vex.

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