Monster Au

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So there is (or was I'm not sure atm) a blog on tumblr for a monster hermit au and like, I got inspired.

- SO! On Hermitcraft every hermit is some kind of monster or creature hybrid. Hermitcraft is a 'safe space' for the monsters as well as many other white-listed servers.

- Grian is a werewolf! He got turned a few weeks before joining Hermitcraft. He didn't want to admit it but hey what can he do? Ren helps him with transformations a lot. He has sharp teeth so prefers meat. Transformations really really hurt since he's not used to them and will take a while to get used to it.

- Ren is also a werewolf! Turned when he was young his family locked him in the basement on full moons so his arms and chest have scars from scratching himself (yes Harry Potter idea don't judge me-) but he isn't afraid to talk about it anymore. He also prefers meat and hates the taste of anything not meat. Transformations don't really hurt him as much as he's very very used to them.

- Mumbo is a ghost, how did he die? It's a question no one can answer. Some days he is nearly human and can interact with others and things. Other days though, he truly is a ghost, you can see right through him and he can't touch anyone or anything. He can possess people but asks before doing so. He can also go through walls and floors and can turn invisible.

- Joe is also a ghost! No one knows how he died either but he always say contradicts each other. A lot of the time he just floats about, says something creepy, funny or just plain weird invisible ad freak everyone out in the area. Unlike Mumbo he can normally control being transparent and interacting with the world but other times he can't.

- Iskall is a ice spirit. His skin is super cold to touch but unlike Stress he doesn't have the blueish tint to his skin. He doesn't have ice powers but has the really strange ability to control this slime like substance he's called Iskallium. He never freezes but absolutely despises summer because he overheats easily. He does have slight manipulation over ice if he focuses very very hard on it.

- Stress is a ice spirit. Her skin has a slight blue look to it and is freezing to touch. She can make ice shoot from her body and can use frost walker, but also on land and air. She never ever gets cold but the heat is horrible. If she's in the cold for to long she can turn into a ice statue and has to be thawed out.

- Scar is a siren. Now I'm mixing mermaids and sirens because I like both ok. He has orange scales all over his face and arms and they look like freckles. Even on land he has webbed ears and claws. When he sings it attracts humans and monsters to fall under his control for a few minuets, this causes him to rarely ever sing.

- Cub is a vampire. He doesn't need human blood per-say and can drink the blood of the others but they all have certain affects because monster blood is weird. He can go into the sun for a few hours before he starts burning to death. At night he can transform into a bat, he tries to be sneaky when he's a bat but it really obvious it's him. He also had hypnotism he can use on people when drinking their blood but only does this when he's really hungry, it works on both humans and hybrids.

Impulse is also a vampire. He was a human for a while but got turned by Zed by accident a few years before Hermitcraft. He really doesn't like the whole drinking blood thing but has to to not keep dying. He can transform into a bat and when he does he just sleeps on Tangos head. Since he wasn't born a vampire like Cub and Zed he doesn't get burned going outside. Impulse has hypnotism but can barley control the ability so chooses not to use it.

- Zed is the final vampire. He was the one who accidentally turned Impulse one time. He is actually very smart when it comes vampirism and will happily explain to others things, such as monster bloods effect on vampires, the processes of turning into a vampire and other things. He is the oldest of the three, somehow. Also has hypnotism and this is how he accidentally turned Impulse.

- Tango is a demon. He got summoned by someone one day and never left, not like they really tried. He has flame manipulation and can summon it at will and shape shifting but it hurts like hell. He eats nearly only meat but eats carrots randomly because he likes them. He has times where he loses his humanity (irony) and goes 'rabid' and at those times, hide.

- False is a living wooden doll. She looks completely human only her movements are stiff sometimes and her skin up close has a wooden texture to it. Some days she just lays in her room inanimate and unaware of what is going on around her. In s fight she had the upper hand seeing as she feels no pain, this is also a disadvantage because she can't tell after the fact where she needs fixing.

- Cleo is a zombie. She got turned in her old server and couldn't be changed back. She was chased out by the group there after finding out she couldn't be cured and Xisuma took her in. She uses a gothic style umbrella in day and her diamond helmet when working, at light monsters don't attack her. If she is exposed to daylight she burns like a zombie only slower.

- Wels is a fae. He just appeared one day after Biffa stepped into a fairy circle like a idiot. They invited him to stay and Wels accepted. He can't touch iron as it burns his skin badly and represses his magic heavily. His armour is specially made out of a special iron like fae wood. He has his normal form, player sized with no wings and his fae form, small (size of a palm) and has wings.

Jevin is a slime. He can stretch his body to his will super far and take chunks of it off and do what he wants, mainly throwing at people. He was a experiment gone wrong and ate many blue dyes so is blue instead of green. He doesn't need to eat but can just stick something in himself and it dissolves slowly. On hot days he can 'melt' meaning he's just a blob of blue slime on the floor.

- Biffa is a cyborg. He used to be fully human but after a accident he lost a lot of his body and thus those were replaced by robotic bits. He has the mask to really just scare people because he finds it funny. He can remove his mask and tends to keep it off. His belt has a sword holder on both sides. He can learn things much quicker then most people.

- Python is a snake. He has a lisp with certain words. Has a venom that can paralyses whoever is inflicted with it. He's got a tail instead of legs and slithers around. Like snakes he does not have eyelids and does not need to blink and wins every staring contest he's put in. He also literally sleeps with his eyes open, doesn't mean he's aware of what's going on but it freaks people out non the less.

- Doc is a creeper cyborg. He's tall, like super tall. His arm, half his face and some pf his chest was blown up in a accident and robotic limbs were put to replace the lost limbs. He can hiss like a creeper and when he drunk, he has a lisp. He can cause small explosions that don't kill him. He's a mad scientist from losing his mind a tiny bit from the jungle.

- Keralis is a alien. He has always been a alien even in his first Hermitcraft seasons. He just looks very human, minus his eyes. He can subtly manipulate people to certain decisions. He can also understand any language by listening to at least a few words from that language and know what they mean. He has nearly perfect memory.

- Bdubs is a dryad. He has a greenish tint to his skin. He can control plants and to some extent animals. He used to have a lot of control over his powers but after the jungle, well things have been harder on him to control his powers.

- TFC is a ?¿?¿. No one knows where he cane from. He has glowing white in the dark. He's sometimes very tall towering over everyone else. Or the size of a normal player. No one knows his true powers or if he has any.

- Some vampire lore!

- Vampires has a special venom that turns people into vampires. The process is slow and painful.

- Monster blood has different effects on vampires depending on what monster they take it from.

Werewolf - makes them go absolutely feral. They attack anyone or anything that has a heartbeat friend or foe it doesn't matter.

Siren - they become super clingy to their closest friends. They just attached themselves to that person and are super lovey dovey.

Demon - it burns. It feels like your whole mouth is in on fire and you can't do anything. It lasts for hours and hurts a lot.

Alien - they become super out of it. Just stare at a wall for a few hours.

Dryad - poisonous. Kills them in seconds.

The others either don't have blood or have the same effect as human blood.

More lore soon! If anyone wants it. Bye!

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