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I arrived in Bangkok about a week ago after landing a new contract with a big Chinese computer engineering company. I've been working on this project day and night for about two months with no rest. But at last! my company is on the trajectory that I set out to attain. I graduated from engineering school 4 years ago, currently 26 years and own a very lucrative company.

Although I come from a well off family I didn't want to rely on my family's wealth to succeed. I appreciate what I have more because I build everything from ground up with my own sweat and blood. I recently bought a mansion with an ocean side view, 4 luxury cars, and a yacht. But what is missing is that special someone to share all of it with.

What is it for a man to gain all the worldly possessions and not have anyone to share it with?Don't get me wrong, finding someone to lay with is not a problem. I used to have sex like having my meals. That's 3 times a day with some snack in between if you catch my drift 😉. Of late, that don't fill the emptiness that I feel.

My best friend Lam is getting married in 6 months and also told me to bring a plus one. Now Lam the ice king has someone to call his husband and I'm still single. Yeah, you read that right. My childhood best friend Lam is gay, well at least he didn't know until we met Park our Freshmen year in college. They started off as casual fuck buddies, but Park knew he wanted to be exclusive when others started to show interest in Lam hahaha.

That possessive asshole, I swear if I wasn't Lam's best friend he would ban me from making eye contact with him lol. Lam is good looking, although I identify as bisexual,I never saw him in that light. It took years to convince jealous Park that we were indeed just friends. Since people always make comments that Lam and I looked good together, that didn't help our case either. Lam and I!!!Ewwww... that would be like sleeping with one of my brothers or my younger cousin Wayo.

Speaking of Wayo, he started University this year and is part taking in the Moon and Star competition. I won the moon during my year and I've been invited countless times to come judge, but my hectic schedule wouldn't allow me.My cute little Wayo, all grown up. He called me the other day when my uncle told him I'm back in town and taking some vacation time. I felt my phone vibrate, ahh it's Wayo.

" Hello!!! P'Forth are you coming to watch my performance at the moon competition? I know you are off and can't claim you are working"... hahahahaha why is he so cute!!!" Alright, alright you caught me. I just wanted to relax at home and binge watch Netflix. How about this, I'll not only come to the competition, I'll attend your practice as well"... he screamed and I heard him yell out Ming's name... " Ming!!! P'Forth is coming to watch me practice. Hello Phi!! please bring snacks I want to introduce you to my boyfriend"

My over protective big brother mood kicked in when I heard ... boyfriend!.. When did Wayo start dating!!! He is just a baby. Then it dawn on me, my baby Yo is 18 years old now.Since I've always been the youngest in my immediate family, I was excited when my aunt had Wayo. I remember it,like it was yesterday, I finally wasn't the youngest. But unlike how my big brothers bullied me as a child, I doted more on Wayo. Especially, since my aunt passed away when he was only 5 years old, I felt the need to protect him.

My mother never wanted him to feel the absence of a mother, so he spent weekends, holidays and weeks when his dad had business out of town with us.I was not certain on whether to go to these practices, but I believe it would be good to scope out the Boyfriend. I don't want some punk taking advantage of him.

I stopped by a store by the campus to get the snacks as promised, but what I saw had me mesmerized for a minute. In front of the store was a boy beaming with charm. He had about 4 girls surrounding him and flirting with him... "Beammie, don't you want to have fun with us", I heard one of them say. Followed by another pecking him on the cheek.

"Is this kid some sort of idol"... I found myself wanting to get a better glimpse of him but the girls are blocking my view. " Nah, ladies you know the rules one night only!" He said but these girls kept whining and flirting. I went inside to purchase my snacks. The cashier noticed as he was ringing me out, how I kept looking back to see if that fair skin boy was still there..." that's Beam Barame for you" the cashier said.

" huh, sorry what did you say?"... " you were checking if that handsome boy was still around right?" Hahahah " is it that obvious 😆?". The cashier replied, " you are not the first, the first time he stopped by my store I thought he was one of those Kpop idols.He had both boys and girls lined up outside my store to meet him. I personally don't mind, because I get a lot of customers when he stops by😅🤣". I thought to myself, this kid is really all that huh. I should have had a better glance at him.

Out of habit, I parked my car in the engineering parking lot. When I stepped out I saw a whole bunch of red and blue jackets hanging around. It felt really nostalgic being back at my alma mater.Next, I saw them whispering to themselves probably wondering what I was doing there. Being a formal student there, I know how territorial they are, especially with the economic students .

There has always been some animosity between these two majors ever since my grandfather was a student here lol.Next I heard someone call out my name , "P'Forth!!!"... I turned around to a boy who was the same height as me, with a big grin running towards me. Who is this kid with the cheesy smile. I guess with the puzzled look on my face he noticed I couldn't make out who he was. " hahaha...Phi, it's me Ming".

What the hell!!! Ming grew over night, now that he is closer I can tell it's him. He look just like his sister Jane. Ming's older sister was P'Earth (my older brothers) ex girlfriend. And with Ming being  Wayo's best friend our families have always been on good terms. Once he said my name, I noticed one of the boys in the red jacket approach me. "Krub... Phi, my name is Type. I was a freshman during your senior year. You are a legend of the engineers and my idol".

Next, he yelled at the Freshman, " Hey!!! freshman... we have an honorable P' in our presence pay your respect!!!". About 100 students from all the years wai at me. I felt honored, I see this N'Type is one of the Hazers. It's nice to see the Sotus tradition is being carried on.

Ming snapped me out of my daze when he said, "P'Forth, what brings you here today?"... " I promised N'yo I'll come... but mostly to find out whom this Boyfriend is" . Ming laughed hysterically, " Oooh, The great Phana is in some deep shit!!". I gave him the snacks and headed to the rehearsal. " the great Phana...I can already tell he's an asshole"

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