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A/N: I wasn't expecting this many people to read my fanfic 🤯😱. I'm glad you are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing them. Have a lovely weekend 💞


It has been a couple of days since I had dinner with P'Forth. I was surprised how much he knew about NASCAR races. None of my friends are into it, so it was nice to talk to someone who share the same interest as me. Aside from the creepy pervert vibe he was giving earlier, he seem like a pretty cool guy.

There is actually a race show on Sunday and I wanted to ask if he would be interested in attending. Oh yeah!, we didn't exchange numbers. I can't ask N'Yo for his number either, because he would probably tell Phana. I honestly don't need that trouble right now.  Should I reach out to him on Facebook, I noticed N'Yo tagged him in some of their pictures together. That'll probably come off stalker like, I'll just ask him in person if he does attend the competition tomorrow.

"Hey Beautiful!!!", arghh I rolled my eyes and didn't bother to look who it was,because only one person on campus calls me beautiful, and that's P'Type. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I move his arm, "... don't you have SOTUS stuff to do, why are you always at the moon and star practice?"... " Awwww Beammie, is that your way of saying you MISS me?😚, huh?". P'Type is N'Ming's senior from Engineer, he is bisexual and have made advances at me since my freshman year even though I told him I'm only into women.

He claims I'm the man of his dreams, I don't take him seriously because he is the campus flirt. He flirts with anyone that willing to give him the attention. " why are you here P'Type?"... He smiled and said, " mostly to support N'Ming but seeing you here is also a plus 😁". Kit showed up at the right time because I had enough of P'Type and his cheesy lines.

" Hey Kit, are you guys coming to the house party we are throwing for N'Ming when he wins tomorrow?"- Type. " why are you asking me that?... and what makes you think he is going to win. The moon from medicine obviously got this in the bag"-Ai'Kit. " Ahhh!, N'Kit like Ming got any competition here, besides you're supposed to support your husband lol" SLAP !!  Kit slapped P'Type on his neck, he was so mad his face turned bright  red as a tomato. "Honestly , you guys need to stop making those jokes. No wonder he keeps at, you keep encouraging him". I couldn't help but join P'Type in laughing.

After the rehearsals we all went out to eat, P'Type tagged along and of course he sat next to me. He kept trying to feed me from his plate. *click*Click* N'Ming took a picture of N'Type trying to spoon feed me. " Shiiaaaa! P'Beam too bad you're not into men, your pic got 100 likes already"-N'Ming. "Awww, Look P'Pha!!! They look so cute!!!"-Wayo .

"Okay!!! That's enough now, enough with the jokes, they are really not funny!!!" I exploded and stormed off to the bathroom. " Beam!Beam!!!... we are just joking with you" said Phana. P'Type sadly looked up from his phone and looked over at Phana, " I am not joking though N'Pha. I really like N'Beam.

I am going to seriously court him. I want to pour my heart to him".... " But he's not into men Phi, you cannot force him to like you!" -Phana. He sigh and said, " I'm not going to force him, just being sincere hopefully my heart reaches him. Please don't stand in my way".With that last sentence, P'Type offered to pay for the food and drinks and left.

I returned back to the table with everyone looking at me with puppy eyes. Kit was the first to break the silence. "Ai'Beam, that idiot Type really likes you. I think he hides behind the jokes, but he seem really sincere about his feelings towards you". Really Kit of all people is saying this!!! N'Ming has been courting him since forever and all he does is throw insults at him.

Yet, here he is preaching about acknowledging someone's emotions. " that's really very Rich!, coming from you, you know what I'm heading home. Goodnight". When I got home, I looked at the picture of P'Type and I online. The picture has got over a 1000 likes already and the comments kept coming in. They were all about how we look good together. And how they wish they were in a sweet relationship like ours. They all cannot be that gullible 🙄.

*In Coming Call* Brenda Barame
" so when was you planning on telling me?"- mom. I sighed not you too!! " Mom, you and I both know that I'm not gay".she laughed, " of course you are not, since you fucked half the women in this city thought you might perhaps want to experiment with men" she laughed hysterically. Yea!!! That's my mom. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body.

If it wasn't for the fact that I look just like her I'll would have thought I was adopted. " you haven't spoken to me in months , and this is what you have to say"... " Boy!!! I Check up on you through text, you know time is money. Hence, why you live in that luxury apartment you're in. How many people your age have the lifestyle you have?"

" Many people my age have a place to call home mother, I've spent the past 3 birthdays by myself because everyone goes home to their families during the holidays "... I choked on my tears, I refuse to shed a tear. Sometimes I feel so lonely in this apartment by myself. " Beam...son the world is cold place, you better bundle up.... and Beam I hope you are at least the Top".

My mom finds it hard to show emotions, I knew her last sentence was her way of saying I love you. And she is right, many people my age would love to have my lifestyle. I live in a high rise on the 2oth floor in a luxury apartment, I drive a Range Rover and I always have money in my account.

Truth is I'll give all that up to have the lifestyle my peers have.when the holidays come around, all my friends talk about is going home to their mom's cooking. It might not seem like much but I do crave that attention. My birthday is on New Year's Eve, and everyone is with family around that time. I was planning on going out to pick up girls but I'll call it a night. "Arghhh, What a shitty day this has been"....

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